Alliance for Citizenship Kicks Off with National Spanish Language Radio Ad and Actions Across the Country This Week As momentum builds each day for immigration reform, leaders announced today a new national campaign designed to support a rapidly growing movement for immigration reform.  On a conference call with reporters,... Continue »
This weekend, USA Today published details of a White House draft immigration bill, setting off a furious round of Washington hand-wringing, analysis, and recriminations.  In light of the leaked plan and related speculation, America’s Voice Education Fund adds the following: Relax.  Breathe deeply.  Things remain on track for real... Continue »
This weekend, USA Today published details of a White House draft immigration bill, setting off a furious round of Washington hand-wringing, analysis, and recriminations.  In light of the leaked plan and related speculation, America’s Voice Education Fund adds the following: Relax.  Breathe deeply.  Things remain on track for real... Continue »
This week, the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) hosted a briefing on border security and how the border should stop being used as an excuse not to pursue immigration reform.  As countless reports (see below) have noted, we spend billions of dollars on border security every year, and the border... Continue »
Last week a member of Congress — Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) —  harassed, screamed at, and threatened an 18-year-old DREAMer who was visiting him with her faith-based community group. Jessica Bravo just wanted to talk to her representative like any other constituent. But when she mentioned her undocumented status,... Continue »
Yesterday, we wrote about the story of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and how he screamed at and threatened an 18-year-old DREAMer who came to speak to him about immigration reform.  Today, we wanted to bring you a post from the DREAMer herself, Jessica Bravo of Costa Mesa, California.  Her... Continue »
A disturbing new article in USA Today, based on a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the ACLU of North Carolina, highlights how the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been focused on meeting deportation quotas by targeting, arresting and deporting... Continue »
Yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee immigration hearing proved once again that the ranks of the pro-immigration reform movement are on the rise, while the anti-immigrant movement is in full retreat.  Today brings more bad news for the increasingly marginalized anti-immigrant movement, as several high-profile articles highlight the growing recognition and... Continue »
The Pro-Reform Movement Steps Up, Democrats Lean In and Republicans Change Stripes Meanwhile, the Anti-Immigrant Side is Becoming Increasingly Marginalized Yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee immigration hearing proved once again that the ranks of the pro-immigration reform movement are on the rise, while the anti-immigrant movement is in full retreat.... Continue »
Ugly story in The Hill today about a confrontation between Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and a DREAMer from California, Jessica Bravo: A conservative congressman got into a heated exchange over immigration last week with one of his constituents who is living in the country illegally. Two very different accounts have... Continue »