On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump launched his Presidential campaign by calling Mexicans drug dealers, criminals and “rapists.” Some may have forgotten his remarks during the 16 months of insults that were to come, but Latino never did. Just take a look at what happened during the final night of early voting in... Continue »
Yesterday, Latino, labor and faith community leaders from Ohio’s Cuyahoga County–and beyond–joined voters in an early vote rally and candlelight march to the polls, under the banner “LatinOHs Votan.”   Around 60 people attended the early voting rally in a restaurant below the offices of La Mega 87.7, the... Continue »
Donald Trump’s insult-laden campaign has given permission to many to vocally express their racist and intolerant views — even in our nation’s schools. Since the start of his candidacy, we’ve seen a flood of disturbing attacks on Latino and other students of color at the hands of pro-Trump students.... Continue »
In a recorded call this Sunday, Gold Star father Khizr Khan will urge half a million Muslim-Americans to vote in this year’s Presidential election. Mr. Khan and his wife, Ghazala, were attacked by Donald Trump after rebuking his anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric at this past summer’s Democratic National Convention.... Continue »
For Joe Heck, Trump’s fitness for the presidency fluctuates based on the perceived impact on Heck’s own political fortunes In October, Nevada Senate candidate Rep. Joe Heck said that, “in good conscience,” he could not continue to support Donald Trump and noted his desire to “formally ask Mr. Trump to step... Continue »
According to POLITICO, white nationalists, KKK members and neo-Nazis plan to “watch polls” and harass Black and other voters of color on Election Day: Neo-Nazi leader Andrew Anglin plans to muster thousands of poll-watchers across all 50 states. His partners at the alt-right website “the Right Stuff” are touting... Continue »
Will Latinos turn out and vote against Trump and for Democrats by record margins? By a number of measures, Latino voters across the country are engaged and enthusiastic about voting in 2016. Adrian Pantoja of Latino Decisions has this to say in a new analysis titled, “The Trump Effect and... Continue »
Senate candidate Catherine Cortez Masto joined Nevada families for a Halloween-themed GOTV effort in Las Vegas yesterday, with attendees eager to remind candidates that there is “no hope without the Latino vote.” And, families are certainly already making their voices heard. According to political guru Jon Ralston, half a... Continue »
Both Sen. Marco Rubio and Speaker Paul Ryan have early voted, but that’s not the only thing they have in common. Both recently cast their ballots for Donald Trump for President, and both — as if trying to avoid some sort of poltergeist — couldn’t even bring themselves to... Continue »
With Election Day a little more than a week away and early voting in full swing in a number of states, there are encouraging signs Latino voters are mobilized and set on making their voices heard this November. According to a must-read piece from Fusion, “The Latino ‘sleeping giant’ is... Continue »