Armed Anti-Immigrant Militia Groups Run by Vigilantes who Illegally Detain Migrants are Emboldened by Trump but have a Long, Violent, and Racist History In April 2019, a heavily armed anti-immigrant group calling themselves the United Constitutional Patriots (UCP) illegally detained more than 200 migrant asylum seekers, many of whom...
According to POLITICO, white nationalists, KKK members and neo-Nazis plan to “watch polls” and harass Black and other voters of color on Election Day: Neo-Nazi leader Andrew Anglin plans to muster thousands of poll-watchers across all 50 states. His partners at the alt-right website “the Right Stuff” are touting...
A disturbing new report from POLITICO highlights Donald Trump and his campaign’s “long dalliance” with violent rhetoric. We’ve long highlighted the physical violence stemming from Trump’s supporters on our “Trump Hate Map” here. But as the POLITICO report corroborates, Donald Trump and his campaign have done little to nothing...
Media Matters reporting has forced Donald Trump surrogates to drop a white supremacist sponsor from an upcoming pro-Trump rally set to happen during the GOP convention in Cleveland next week: Media Matters reported this week that a “unity rally” featuring several Trump surrogates scheduled to be held in Cleveland...
In what should come as a surprise to absolutely no one, a host of anti-Muslim activists are slated to join Republican Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz at a rally protesting President Obama’s Iran deal in Washington, D.C. today. It’s a change of scenery for Trump, who has...
New Yorker Article Captures Trump’s Popularity with White Nationalists; GOP Brand Image Tarnished to Latino and Other General Election Voters Donald Trump has long-since moved from a sideshow that shouldn’t be taken seriously into something much more ugly and corrosive to the country, our politics, and the Republican Party’s...
Jun 24, 2015
In the aftermath of last week’s massacre in South Carolina, the nation is having an important conversation about the roots, assumptions, and effects of white supremacy. A key aspect of this discussion is the role that incendiary rhetoric, racist stereotypes and efforts to mainstream that which is or borders...
One response to the appearance of children fleeing violence has been the reemergence of the Minutemen, aka the militia-style armed groups which take it upon themselves to patrol the border, which largely disappeared a few years ago after a number of incredibly unsavory events. The thing about the Minutemen groups...
Next week, the Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments on Arizona’s arch-anti-immigrant law, SB 1070—an all-important, game-changing clash between the federal supremacy clause, the need for federal immigration reform, and the belief that states can and should pursue efforts to make undocumented immigrants self-deport. Activists, officials, lawyers, and...