Donald Trump wants a “big, beautiful” wall, so Latinos gave him one. Members of the influential Culinary Union 226 and over a dozen other groups parked a wall of taco and food trucks outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas yesterday, in protest of the candidate’s anti-immigrant, anti-Latino... Continue »
While Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are running very different campaigns on a number of topics, few issues present such a stark contrast as immigration. Not only do the two candidates offer diametrically opposed views on the role of immigration and immigrants in America, but their positions are anchored... Continue »
Elbert Garcia of Florida’s Voice reacted to last night’s debate with the following statement: “Once again, Donald Trump proved to the American public that he is unfit to lead a diverse nation that needs to bring people together to forge a better future and economy. He continued to denigrate women... Continue »
Immigration finally made its into the third and final Presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada last night. But while Hillary Clinton was talking about keeping families together and a path to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, Donald Trump was talking…well…this: “We’re going to secure the border,... Continue »
The Miami Herald, the influential Florida newspaper that has steadily backed Marco Rubio since 2010, yesterday endorsed his Democratic opponent Patrick Murphy for US Senate. Just six years ago, the Editorial Board wrote that Rubio had the “potential to be the kind of statesman Floridians can be proud to call a native son.”... Continue »
Hungry? Needed to register to vote in Nevada? These folks had it covered. On the last day of voter registration in the state yesterday — and a day before the final Presidential debate in Las Vegas — local groups lined up a caravan of 35 taco trucks and dozens of... Continue »
During US Senate debates in Nevada and Florida this week, Republican candidates scrambled to hide their trumped-up records on immigration and support for their party’s nominee for President, Donald Trump. In Nevada, former State Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto went “on the offensive over Republican Heck’s prior support... Continue »
New polling of Latino voters from NBC News/WSJ/Telemundo finds that Hillary Clinton leads Trump by a 70%-17% margin among Latinos in a head-to-head matchup. The polling also finds positive signs for Latino engagement, as an accompanying poll summary from NBC News notes: “Sixty-nine percent of Latino voters now say they are very interested in... Continue »
A six-year-old girl was among the recipients of a fundraising letter from former KKK leader and Louisiana Senate candidate David Duke urging voters to back him and Donald Trump, according to the Huffington Post: “’Thank God Trump has emerged and embraced my issues such as stopping immigration, fair trade... Continue »
Spanish Language Radio Ad Highlights Rep. Joe Heck’s Votes and Support for Donald Trump’s Pledge to End DACA Program America’s Voice is launching a new Spanish language radio ad buy in Nevada, narrated by Nevada DREAMer Mara Vazquez, encouraging members of Nevada’s Latino community to get out and vote... Continue »