With less than two weeks until Election Day and with early voting in full swing in a number of key states, there are continued signs of Latino voter energy and mobilization and indications that the hardline immigration stance of Donald Trump and the GOP is a major motivating factor... Continue »
Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio, who was against immigration reform before he was for it before he was against it again, is in a tough reelection fight against Congressman Patrick Murphy. The four most recent polls have shown the race has tightened considerably. We first saw this news about... Continue »
“Hate Rising,” the new documentary with journalist Jorge Ramos, premiered on Fusion and Univision last night — and for many of us, the images from the film have been sadly all too familiar for the past year and a half. HATE RISING Promo from CatTails on Vimeo. Ramos spent nine... Continue »
2016 GOTV and canvassing operations, pro-immigrant energy and enthusiasm, and anti-Trump and anti-Republican sentiments are helping to bolster Democratic candidates in key Latino-heavy states such as Nevada, Arizona, Florida, and Virginia. “There’s a lot of skepticism about voter enthusiasm this year, but voters who are part of the pro-immigrant... Continue »
Late last Friday, former Gov. Jan Brewer said she wasn’t concerned about the Latino vote in Arizona, saying Latinos “don’t get out and vote. They don’t vote.” We’ve got some news for her. Bazta Arpaio — the group organizing to end the troubled career of the beleaguered Maricopa County... Continue »
Could beleaguered Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio be headed for defeat this November? It’s sure been looking like it lately. A new survey released this past week shows Arpaio trailing his Democratic opponent, Paul Penzone, by nearly 15 points. It’s the second poll within the past two weeks to have... Continue »
Donald Trump wants a “big, beautiful” wall, so Latinos gave him one. Members of the influential Culinary Union 226 and over a dozen other groups parked a wall of taco and food trucks outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas yesterday, in protest of the candidate’s anti-immigrant, anti-Latino... Continue »
While Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are running very different campaigns on a number of topics, few issues present such a stark contrast as immigration. Not only do the two candidates offer diametrically opposed views on the role of immigration and immigrants in America, but their positions are anchored... Continue »
Elbert Garcia of Florida’s Voice reacted to last night’s debate with the following statement: “Once again, Donald Trump proved to the American public that he is unfit to lead a diverse nation that needs to bring people together to forge a better future and economy. He continued to denigrate women... Continue »
Immigration finally made its into the third and final Presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada last night. But while Hillary Clinton was talking about keeping families together and a path to citizenship for the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants, Donald Trump was talking…well…this: “We’re going to secure the border,... Continue »