Feb 16, 2016
Marco Rubio has been on a roll lately, and definitely not in the good way. Two weeks ago he was mocked for appearing to “malfunction” at the Republican debate in New Hampshire, when he repeated the same canned responses no less than three times in a row. Then there...
So much for “the Hispanics love me,” Donald Trump. The Republican candidate’s bigoted remarks already have him in the hole when it comes to the vital Latino voter demographic, with evidence showing he’s dragging down the GOP along with him (YUGE bad news when you need 47% of Latino voters in...

It’s only February and the 2016 general election is still over 270 days away, but so much has already happen in this year’s cycle, it’s hard to keep track. On the Republican side, the Presidential field has gone from 15 candidates, to just seven as of today: Jeb Bush,...

Here’s an updated primer on where each of the 2016 Republican candidates stand on immigrants and immigration reform. For more 2016 election coverage from America’s Voice, visit AmericasVoice.org/2016. Candidates Covered in this Research Official Candidates Former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL) Dr. Ben Carson Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Gov. John Kasich (R-OH)...

Feb 8, 2016
For a while, we’ve been tracking Marco Rubio’s slide to the extreme right on immigration, artfully camouflaged by consultant-crafted soundbites. Once upon a time the courageous supporter of a path to citizenship — even getting himself declared “The Republican Savior” by TIME — Rubio backtracked on his own bill...
Andres Oppenheimer: GOP Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Alienating Latinos and Threatening Republicans’ Chances Kerry Eleveld: Home Raids Against Central American Refugees Could Give GOP “An Escape Route by Driving Down Participation” Among Latino & Immigrant Voters With immigration center stage in the 2016 presidential cycle, one of the most important questions...
Feb 5, 2016
As Candidates Double Down on Hardline Immigration Stances, Latino Voters Mobilize Despite evidence coming out of Iowa that GOP primary voters in fact, don’t view immigration as a top issue—immigration ranked a distant fourth out of four issues in network entrance polling—that hasn’t stopped the field from doubling down on...
Feb 2, 2016
In the aftermath of the Iowa caucus, here’s our assessment of the state of play for immigration politics. For Republicans: The Entire GOP Field Has Lurched Hard Right on Immigration and Sunk the GOP Brand to the Bottom with Latino and Immigrant Voters: The entire Republican presidential field pledges...
A host of Latino, Asian, immigrant, and labor rights groups have launched naturalization drives aimed at permanent residents eligible for citizenship — and the images from these workshops and outreach efforts have been absolutely inspiring. Some of the inspiration for getting Latino and immigrant voters out to naturalize and vote has...

Here’s more of that #TrumpEffect in action. During a “Meet the Press” appearance on Sunday, Presidential candidate Marco Rubio continued to cement his hardliner stance on immigration by claiming that the number of undocumented immigrants in the United States has actually increased. “We are worse off today than we...