Yesterday's announcement of the Obama Administration's important step towards bringing deportation practices in line with its enforcement priorities already is generating predictable responses from many Republicans and their mass-deportation allies. Continue »
A scathing editorial today in the Washington Post blasts the Republican Party's "scare tactics" on border security and calls out Senator John Cornyn for trying "to have it both ways." The conclusion notes that by promoting "myths" about border security, "politicians perpetuate both a lie and the national disgrace... Continue »
Republican presidential candidates are again struggling with the issue of immigration. The Republicans' strategy appears to be: stick to their border security sound bites and avoid the other immigration issues at all costs. Yet such a balancing act remains increasingly tenuous for any of the 2012 candidates... Continue »
Farmers across the country are rallying to fight a Republican-sponsored bill that would force them and all other employers to verify the legal immigration status of their workers, a move some say could imperil not only future harvests but also the agricultural community's traditional support for conservative candidates.... Continue »
This week, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the nation's largest Latino civil rights organization, held their annual conference and invited all Presidential candidates. Here's a short summary of what happened: President Obama showed up. The entire Republican field did not. Continue »
Yesterday, Rep. Lamar Smith held a hearing on the Hinder the Administration's Legalization Temptation (HALT) Act. This is the legislation designed to bully Obama into not using his discretion to prevent deportations. Smith wanted Senator David Vitter as his expert witness on prosecutorial discretion. That backfired. Continue »
The Senate sponsor of the legislation that would strip President Obama of prosecutorial discretion (the HALT Act) is none other than the Senator with the most direct and personal knowledge of discretion: David Vitter. Continue »
The White House hosted yet another inconsequential Latino summit last week, with dozens of community leaders from across the country. The purpose of this Hispanic Policy Conference, according to White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Cecilia Muñoz, was "more for us to listen and not for us to talk." Continue »
Rep. Elton Gallegly, whose ultimate goal is the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, and his former colleague, JD Watts, continue their misleading cheerleading for E-Verify. They've got similar talking points, but both failed to mention the rotting fields in Georgia, thanks to a state E-Verify law. Continue »
Following a major USA Today story analyzing crime in U.S. cities along the border with Mexico, Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) and Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), and John McCain (R-AZ) would do well to heed the famous advice of Daniel Patrick Moynihan: "Everyone is entitled to his... Continue »