Recent Republican solidarity on illegal immigration is showing cracks under pressure from agriculture groups, with two GOP congressmen floating programs that would make it easier for foreigners to work legally in U.S. fields and orchards. Continue »
The latest Republican presidential debate, being held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, will undoubtedly feature endless paeans from the candidates to our nation's 40th President. Yet on the issue of immigration, the Republican 2012 field has a lot to learn from the Gipper. Continue »
We expect the immigration issue to come to the forefront of the GOP presidential nomination contest this weekend. Two notoriously anti-immigrant leaders, South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint and Rep. Steve King, will be questioning the candidates at at Tea Party event in South Carolina on Monday. Continue »
As we've written about in post after post, a seismic demographic change is underway in the U.S., but both political parties still seem to be ignoring the facts and their electoral implications. Continue »
In rural Alabama lies Cullman County, recognized as the "state's top agricultural community." David Palmer of The Cullman Times interviewed two farmers who express concern over Alabama's new anti-immigration law, which is scheduled to take effect in three days on September 1st. Both farmers come to the same... Continue »
As he enters the Republican presidential race, Texas Gov. Rick Perry is striking some red-meat notes on the subject of immigration. Border security, he says, is a federal responsibility -- and immigration reform will have to wait until the border is secured. Continue »
According to Senator Rubio, President Reagan "basically defined the era in which I grew up in, in every way possible. And to this day, so much of what Reagan stood for is still what we're still debating about." Unfortunately, it seems Senator Rubio hasn't read the chapter on... Continue »
Rep. Jeff Flake continues to run from his record on immigration reform. The GOP Congressman from Arizona, who is now running for Senate, launched an attack on the Obama administration's new deportation policy. He used to be a champion for comprehensive reform. Continue »
Yesterday's announcement of the Obama Administration's important step towards bringing deportation practices in line with its enforcement priorities already is generating predictable responses from many Republicans and their mass-deportation allies. Continue »
A scathing editorial today in the Washington Post blasts the Republican Party's "scare tactics" on border security and calls out Senator John Cornyn for trying "to have it both ways." The conclusion notes that by promoting "myths" about border security, "politicians perpetuate both a lie and the national disgrace... Continue »