A series of events over the past several days and weeks show that the Republican Party still has not learned the lessons of the 2006 and 2008 elections. As Senator Tom Coburn might say -- they have some "splaining to do." In a remarkable and mostly unconscious display of...
As Greg Sargent reported today, over at The Plum Line: "The National Council of La Raza, a top Latino civil rights group, is taking a shot at RNC chair Michael Steele and several prominent GOP figures for skipping its ongoing annual conference, saying it raises questions about the GOP's...
Over the weekend, Senator Jon Kyl stated: "To try to do immigration reform this year would be an impossibility." He listed all the items on Congress' "already crammed" agenda to prove his point. But one item he mentioned on that agenda is the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor as Supreme...
Leo: "He referred to Buchanan, who has been appearing on MSNBC all week claiming Sotomayor has "a lifelong resolve to discriminate against white males," as a reverse civil rights leader, and showed a clip of him saying, "White men were 100% of the people who wrote the Constitution,...
"Kos: Republicans appear to be heeding Buchanan's advice, more concerned about placating their shrinking regional white male base than in expanding their tent. Some Republicans are even concerned about that." With Senator Schumer set to drop immigration reform legislation by Labor Day, as he says, the GOP will...
Three videos to watch from today's hearing and a bonus (action) video from our friends at Presente.org. First, a clip of Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI), who speaks during the opening day of Judge Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation hearing. Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he challenges the popular Republican theme that...
Today kicks of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for Judge Sonia Sotomayor. In question is whether Sotomayor has what it takes to become the 111th Supreme Court Justice of the United States, as well as the first Hispanic and third female to serve in the nation's highest court of...
On the macro-scale, these votes do not amount to much, with the major news this week that Senator Schumer is pushing for a comprehensive immigration bill by Labor Day. Notable, however, is that the GOP will not be stopped from serving up its distinct, if empty, brand of anti-immigrant...
Jul 5, 2009