DREAMer Mandeep Chahal writes about how President Obama’s new directive for DREAMer relief will change her life. Continue »
US News and World Report offers two members of Congress with opposing views on President Obama’s bold move to provide relief to DREAMers. On one side is Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who supports the President’s action: If anyone still had any doubts about the legal ground on which the president... Continue »
Four months before Election Day, and immigration is still a hot topic for Mitt Romney’s campaign.  The way he’s handling the topic, it’s sure to remain a heated question throughout the summer heading toward November. In an already-infamous interview with Newsmax last week, Romney announced what appeared to be a new... Continue »
Cross-Posted at The Sanctuary: President Barack Obama’s announcement on June 15, 2012 granting deferred action for eligible undocumented youth has lifted DREAMers’ hopes about their ability to obtain work permits and removed the fear of deportation. However, with the excitement comes the need to do whatever it takes to... Continue »
Post-health care decision analysis from Francis Wilkinson at Bloomberg notes that the ruling might provide a short respite for Romney from his ongoing immigration debacle: The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Democrats’ Affordable Care Act has saved the Romney campaign from its recent message muddle. Romney ran into turbulence as... Continue »
El Soñador José Luis Zelaya nos habla del anuncio del presidente Obama de alivio administrativo temporal para los jóvenes indocumentados.  Habló de lo que significa para él, para su comunidad y de por qué todavía es necesario aprobar el proyecto  de ley DREAM Act. También discutió la tragedia de... Continue »
El 26 de junio de 2012 se llevó a cabo la  graduación anual del DREAM Act en Washington D.C. Este año noté una diferencia muy grande: un énfasis en la salud mental de los Soñadores. Hace dos años fui a la misma graduación y no hubo mención del tema.... Continue »
During the closing remarks of the DREAM Act mock graduation ceremony on June 26, 2012, I heard for the first time a real emphasis on the mental health concerns of DREAMers. The student delivering the remarks spoke about Yanelli Serrano Hernandez, an undocumented youth who attempted suicide while being... Continue »
At the Lutheran Church of Reformation on Tuesday, Dream Activist held its annual mock graduation.  Much of the ceremony proceeded with undocumented youth dressed in caps and gowns and a group of  speakers telling their stories, proclaiming “I’m undocumented and unafraid!” But there was certainly a change of atmosphere... Continue »
During the GOP nomination battle, Mitt Romney couldn’t talk enough about his anti-immigrant views. He vowed to veto the DREAM Act; called Arizona’s immigrant-crackdown a “model for the nation”; touted support for “self-deportation“; and courted hard-liners like Jan Brewer and Joe Arpaio. But the game has changed for Mitt... Continue »