Cuando se habla de los Soñadores, jóvenes que luchan por la reforma migratoria, típicamente se habla de su confianza, energía y de su extraordinaria capacidad para seguir sus sueños. Pero casi nunca se habla de los procesos psicológicos internos que muchas veces se esconden tras sus gritos de protesta... Continue »
As we wrote yesterday, Mitt Romney’s NALEO speech left many questions unanswered regarding immigration policy, including whether or not a President Romney would rescind President Obama’s new directive to protect DREAM-eligible young people.  It turns out that many others share our confusion, including a campaign policy advisor, who today... Continue »
Via Judd Legum at Think Progress, we learn what many of us thought, but hadn’t quite heard from anyone inside the Romney campaign — until now: Ray Walser, a co-chair of Mitt Romney’s campaign for issues pertaining to Latin America, finally spilled the beans: …Mr Walser, told The Daily Telegraph: “My anticipation is... Continue »
We’ve been publishing a series of posts from the DREAMers of the Campaign for an American DREAM.  Last month, they set off from San Francisco to begin a 3,000-mile, 8-month+ walk to Washington, DC to call attention to the DREAM Act and the need for immigration reform. Today’s post is from Veronica... Continue »
Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) is the latest in a long-line of conservatives who are spewing some anti-immigrant hate directed at the President’s latest move to protect DREAMers from deportation. However, like most people who don’t know what they’re talking about, Rep. Joe Walsh is belligerent thinking that he knows... Continue »
At the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference,  Mitt Romney again refuses to say anything substantial about immigration. Continue »