La recomendación de la Parlamentaria del Senado de no incluir lenguaje para la legalización de indocumentados en el plan de gastos que se consideraría mediante conciliación es, obviamente, un revés. Pero eso no significa que los demócratas se crucen de brazos para seguir postergando este tema. Por el contrario,... Continue »
America’s Voice Responds to the Initial Senate Parliamentarian Ruling   The following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice reacting to the Senate parliamentarian’s ruling on immigration: This isn’t the beginning of the end, this is the end of the beginning. The Parliamentarian ruled on... Continue »
For those who have waited for immigration reform that legalizes them, a few more days doesn’t mean much. Well, at least not the time needed to know if the Senate Parliamentarian will or will not authorize inclusion of a path to citizenship in the budgetary measure that will be... Continue »
Para quienes llevan décadas aguardando por una reforma migratoria que los legalice, esperar unos días no significaría nada. Bueno, al menos el tiempo necesario para saber si la parlamentaria del Senado autoriza o no la inclusión de una vía de legalización en el plan presupuestario que se consideraría mediante... Continue »
Immigration polling from America's Voice.
Washington, DC – Nuevas encuestas realizadas por Data for Progress en 12 estados encontraron que las propuestas de nuevas vías para la ciudadanía en el paquete presupuestario de los demócratas son abrumadoramente populares en cada entidad, con un promedio de 68-25% de apoyo, y oscilando de un bajo 62-35%... Continue »
Immigration polling from America's Voice.
New state-specific polling from Data for Progress in 12 states finds that the new pathways to citizenship proposals of Democrats’ budget package are overwhelmingly popular in each state, with an average of 68-25% support in the 12 states and ranging from a low of 62-35% support in Montana to... Continue »
Washington, DC – Yesterday the House Judiciary Committee moved forward legislation to grant legal permanent resident status – a stepping stone to citizenship – to Dreamers, TPS holders, farm workers and other essential workers.  Immigrant populations are an ever more important part of the economic and community fabric of... Continue »
Today the House Judiciary Committee moves forward a proposal to grant legal permanent resident status – a stepping stone to citizenship – to Dreamers, TPS holders, farm workers and other essential workers. This is yet another step towards enactment of a long overdue breakthrough on immigration reform. Two of... Continue »
This afternoon, the Senate parliamentarian will hear arguments from  Democratic and Republican Senate staffers on the immigration provisions in the budget agreement. Yet many politicians and Beltway pundits predict that the immigration provisions will not make it into the final package. Below are reasons why we are confident that... Continue »
Washington, DC – News broke yesterday that the Senate parliamentarian will hear arguments this Friday on the immigration provisions in the budget agreement. In advance, leading economists and experts are making it clear that the immigration provisions provide a direct economic impact; would offer a fiscal and economic boon;... Continue »