Leaders of Latino, civil rights, and labor violations came together today to announce a new civic engagement campaign to win citizenship-based immigration reform in 2013. The groups issued a joint statement calling on the President and Congress to work together to pass legislation that will create opportunities for the...
Over the past couple of weeks, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and United We DREAM have made it clear that real immigration reform (and by real we all mean reform that includes a clear path to citizenship) must also include LGBT families. Yesterday, Republican Senator Susan Collins (ME) reiterated her...
Following the news that California is now taking steps to move away from the punitive federal program known as Secure Communities, the Center for American Progress today is releasing a new report on the enforcement aspect of immigration, entitled “Legal Violence in the Lives of Immigrants: How Immigration Enforcement...
At The Fix, the Washington Post’s political blogger Chris Cillizza, took a close look at the new Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll (which we wrote about yesterday.) Cillizza came up with a number of “takeaways,” including this one on immigration: People are ready for immigration reform. While it’s not...
The ramp-up to the upcoming immigration reform legislative battle has started and will continue to play out in public over the coming months. As America’s Voice Education Fund’s Executive Director Frank Sharry told USA Today, the legislative “measures that pass are those are litigated in public, in a loud...
When it comes to immigration reform, Americans want it, Democrats promised it, and Republicans need it. And as a much-discussed Los Angeles Times article reveals, steps are being taken to deliver it: As soon as the confrontation over fiscal policy winds down, the Obama administration will begin an all-out drive for comprehensive immigration reform,...
As politicians begin discussing immigration reform legislation for next year, one thing is crystal clear: citizenship is the solution. And according to a new national poll, a majority of the American people support it: A new POLITICO/George Washington University Battleground poll finds that 62 percent of those surveyed support an immigration reform...
Cross-posted at “A MomsRising Blog Carnival on Protecting Family Unity, Strengthening Communities and Ensuring a Thriving Economy with the Contributions of Immigrants“: After Republicans reached an historic low among Latino voters in last month’s election, political analysts of all stripes began to say that the GOP should change its immigration plank and work...