Following the first ‘Super Tuesday’ of the primary season and ahead of the midterm elections, Juan Escalante, Communications Manager for America’s Voice, makes it clear that Latino voters – like all voters – want candidates to respect and address who they are and what they care about – without pandering.... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice TPS Decisions Under the Trump Administration Pili Tobar: Republicanos, sean serios si quieren ayudar a los Dreamers ICYMI: “Voters Reject Two Pro-ICE Sheriffs in North Carolina” DeWine’s Dog Whistle Politics in Primary Will Turn Off Voters in a General Election ICYMI: WaPo Exposes How Trump Admin Ignored... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Warrantless Raid at NY Dairy Farm Violates Founding Principles of United States “For a State that Bucks the Feds, Texas Sure Has a lot of Immigrant Checkpoints” Under Leadership of  Attorney Sejal Zota, National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild  Listen to the “A is for America”... Continue »
OVERVIEW Tuesday’s special election in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District was the latest reminder that the Republican Party is planning to run hard on immigration and so-called “sanctuary cities” during the 2018 cycle. The results of Tuesday’s special election in PA-18, meanwhile, were the latest evidence that the GOP’s anti-immigrant... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice The GOP’s Failing Strategy to Win Elections By Attacking Immigrants Political Memo: The GOP’s Failing Strategy to Win Elections By Attacking Immigrants ICYMI: NJ attorney general asks Congress to protect Haitian, Salvadoran TPS holders Felix Garcia, Georgia Father of Three, is About to Be Deported New Suit Alleges... Continue »
Rep. Hurd must push GOP leadership to protect Dreamers and get USA Act passed in the House Austin, TX – A piece published in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram outlines Rep. Will Hurd’s (TX-23) introduction of the USA Act, a bill that would protect DACA recipients from deportation and put them on... Continue »
An estimated 10,000 Dreamers already have lost DACA status December spending package would fund deportations that would ensnare Dreamers  It would take seven months to implement new legislative program for Dreamers At Tuesday’s meeting at the White House between President Trump and Congressional leaders, Dreamer-related protections will be a major focus... Continue »
Senator Hassan “was troubled by a report in The Washington Post last week that Mr. Kelly had called acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke to try to pressure her into a decision not to renew a temporary humanitarian protection for would-be illegal immigrants from Honduras.” Tonight, four members of the Senate committee... Continue »
Questions Raised After WH Chief of Staff John Kelly Attempted to Strong Arm Acting DHS Secretary Duke in the DHS Decision on Honduran TPS Tomorrow, members of the Senate committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs are scheduled to vote on the confirmation of Kirstjen Nielsen, the Trump Administration’s... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice ICYMI: Noticias Telemundo Highlights Elyria Man’s Deportation in “Drama of a Family Broken In Two” WaPo: Democrats want DHS nominee to return to Senate panel for more questioning ICYMI: Study Finds Undocumented Immigrants in Texas Generate $703 Million Surplus USCIS Rejected 21 DACA Renewal Applications Which Were... Continue »