America’s Voice Trump normalizes corruption in the face of silence from his loyalists and party men The Real “Big Fat Con Job” Is Perpetuated From the Oval Office: Trump Anti-Asylum Policies Are Political and Will Only Make Matters Worse English Daily Kos Trump’s new ICE nominee was kissing his... Continue »
America’s Voice WaPo: “Trump wants ‘toughness’ to deter migration, but physical measures keep failing” 25 Congressmembers Oppose Effort to Vacate Joseph Arpaio’s Guilty Verdict Univision: “The secrets of Trump’s housekeepers” Key Questions Face ICE Nominee Mark Morgan English Daily Kos Trump’s Virginia winery has also hired and exploited undocumented... Continue »
America’s Voice Leading Observers: Trump Failing, Has Zero Idea What to Do, and Ignores Solutions in Favor of Chaos and Divisive 2020 Strategy Lawlessness in the Trump Administration English Politico Trump plunges back into immigration battle with sanctuary cities plan By Caitlin Oprysko and Burgess Everett April 15, 2019... Continue »
America’s Voice The economic reality of the border has prevented its closure Sonia Nazario’s Powerful NYT Op-ed About Violence Against Women in Honduras: ‘Someone Is Always Trying to Kill You’ Failing and Flailing: Firing Nielsen Reveals Incompetence and Cruelty as Trump Doubles Down on His  Signature 2020 Issue Trump... Continue »
Originally published July 28, 2018; last updated May 10, 2019 Kirstjen Nielsen is the former Secretary of Homeland Security — who spent her tenure mostly acting as a rubber stamp of approval for the Trump Administration. DHS is a huge department created in 2003 that oversees Immigration and Customs... Continue »
America’s Voice Frank Sharry: “It’s an Attack on our Democracy by an Autocrat” Frank Sharry on DHS Funding Bill: “We can and must do more to ensure that the days of giving ICE blank checks comes to an end, and to reverse the runaway train of unaccountable detention funding.”... Continue »
America’s Voice Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report: “Trump Is Unifying Democrats Instead of Consolidating His Base” 57% of Voters “Definitely” Plan to Vote Against Trump in 2020 Americans Want Solutions, Not Shutdowns and Walls English Associated Press Who Blinks First Will Matter in Trump, Democrats’ Wall Fight... Continue »
In a must-read piece, Alex Shephard of The New Republic captures the fact that the GOP is repeating the errors of the 2018 midterms by leaning on racism and xenophobia. It backfired then, and it is backfiring again. Shephard’s piece is excerpted below and available in full here. Ahead... Continue »
“Trump’s Housekeeper Airs His Dirty Laundry” After years of enduring humiliation as a worker at President Trump’s Bedminster property, Victorina Morales was invited to share her story on The Daily, the popular New York Times podcast. Ms. Morales explains, in an interview entitled “Undocumented and Working to Trump,” how... Continue »
English New York Times Victorina Morales Spoke Out Against President Trump. What Price Will She Pay? By Miriam Jordan December 07, 2018 Associated Press Trump Resort Worker: No Regrets Speaking Out About Abuse December 07, 2018 New York Times 2 More Immigrants Say They Worked for Trump Despite Lacking... Continue »