In Spanish here. There are few stories you’ll ever hear that are as inspiring and as American as Astrid Silva — a DREAMer from Nevada. That’s why we were so disgusted yesterday when Donald Trump Jr., who was campaigning for his father in Nevada, called for her deportation. Like... Continue »
Newly released statewide polling of Latino voters in the 2016 battleground states of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia finds that Donald Trump is on track for an historically low performance among Latino voters. However, the polls also reveal that Senate Democratic candidates in these states have failed to define themselves and their opponents on key... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Huffington Post: HUFFPOLLSTER: Donald Trump Could Be Gaining In Key Swing States By Natalie Jackson and Ariel Edwards-Levy NBC: NCLR Latino Voter Registration Money Fell from $7 Million to $1.5 Million By Suzanne Gamboa Newsweek: Presidential Campaigns in Race for Florida’s... Continue »
“Heck is officially married to Trump’s dangerous ideology” *High quality pictures available upon request. *Fotos de alta calidad e información en español disponible. Yesterday, Congressman and Senate candidate Joe Heck was questioned by CNN reporter Manu Raju about whether he “completely supports and trusts Donald Trump,”  to which he said... Continue »
** Two Press Calls/Webinars** TODAY, September 9th at 10 AM & 12 PM Eastern TODAY: New Latino Voter Polling in 7 Battleground States to be Released on Press Calls and Webinars Presidential, Senate and Congressional Matchups, Role of Immigration in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia Embargoed poll data available upon request... Continue »
Latino Victory Project has teamed up with Grammy-winning Mexican rock band Maná to encourage US Latinos to flex their political muscle at the polls this November. More from LVP: The Latino community in the United States has the power to enact change and write history. That is why Maná... Continue »
America’s Voice commissioned Latino Decisions to do a quick poll to gauge Latino voters’ reactions to Donald Trump’s immigration speech last week in Phoenix, and to assess whether Latinos were buying the charade of Trump “softening” on immigration. The short answer is no.  Forty-nine percent of Latino voters believe... Continue »
On an early morning in late January of this year, a young man named Pedro Salmeron was riding in the passenger seat of his father’s truck in Charlotte, NC when ICE agents stopped the truck and detained Pedro. His crime: fleeing gang members in El Salvador that had just... Continue »
A border wall, deportation of all 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the US, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio have all been key parts of Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign, but a new poll shows Arizona voters strongly dislike all three. According to a new Arizona Republic/Morrison/Cronkie News poll, over 54%... Continue »
Ron Brownstein, one of the most insightful journalists covering immigration policy and politics, has a new must-read column on Donald Trump’s radicalism on legal immigration. Brownstein, who writes for The Atlantic/National Journal, makes the case that while Trump’s nativism towards undocumented immigrants is rightfully generating attention and outrage, Trump’s extremism also... Continue »