“El sistema de inmigración no solamente está roto, está hiriendo nuestro país”, aseguró Napolitano, quien también defendió la “identidad estadounidense” basada en ser un país de inmigrantes que lo enriquecen y ayudan a su progreso. “Tenemos que mantener un duro trabajo sobre el sistema migratorio, ayudar a mejorar la... Continuar »
Por Maribel Hastings,  asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice: WASHINGTON, DC – Si un indocumentado vive con el temor diario de ser deportado y separado de su familia,  ¿se conformaría con obtener un permiso de trabajo que lo proteja de la deportación aunque no tenga una vía a la ciudadanía?... Continuar »
Ugly story in The Hill today about a confrontation between Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and a DREAMer from California, Jessica Bravo: A conservative congressman got into a heated exchange over immigration last week with one of his constituents who is living in the country illegally. Two very different accounts have... Continuar »
Yesterday’s hearing on immigration reform in the Senate Judiciary Committee dominated the coverage. The testimony from Jose Antonio Vargas generated a lot of attention.  The four Democratic Senators in the “Gang of Eight” met with President Obama last night. And, there’s a lot of discussion about the GOP and... Continuar »
Some of our favorite tweets from the Senate hearing yesterday, view the PDF here. Senate Immigration Hearing 2/13 by Continuar »
Por Maribel Hastings, asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice: WASHINGTON, DC –  Admitamos que a simple vista ha habido un “avance” y los republicanos, al menos en teoría, han ido evolucionando y han pasado de extremistas a la Tom Tancredo y Steve King,  a Marco Rubio promoviendo una vía a... Continuar »
Washington, DC – La audiencia del panel Judicial del Senado, hoy miércoles, la primera sobre la reforma migratoria en la Cámara Alta, efectivamente levantó el telón para descubrir la montaña rusa que promete ser el debate legislativo que cobrará fuerza en las próximas semanas. Algunos aspectos del debate se... Continuar »
As a general rule: there is no reason, ever, for a member of Congress to ask a question at a hearing of the witness from the Center for Immigration Studies. (And there’s always a witness from the Center for Immigration Studies.) But this exchange, led by Connecticut Senator Richard... Continuar »
The First Openly Undocumented Immigrant To Testify Before Congress Appears At Historic Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing  Today the Senate Judiciary Committee held its first immigration reform hearing of the year, effectively lifting the curtain on what promises to be a roller coaster of a legislative debate that will begin... Continuar »
Today,  Jose Antonio Vargas became the first openly undocumented journalist to testify before Congress this year when he appeared at an historic Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing. This was the Senate’s first hearing on immigration reform this year, effectively lifting the curtain on what promises to be a roller coaster... Continuar »