The Department of Justice has set up an email address and hotline in response to the Supreme Court ruling on Arizona SB 1070’s “show me your papers” provision, a law which would allow law enforcement officers to check the immigration status of detained individuals based on “reasonable suspicion.” This... Continue »
WASHINGTON – En mi natal Puerto Rico había un programa infantil conducido por un personaje, el Tío Nobel, que llevaba a cabo competencias entre los asistentes con un singular detalle: nunca habían perdedores. Sólo ganadores o casi ganadores. Ayer recordé al personaje cuando se desataron los usuales análisis de... Continue »
With a 5-3 majority vote, yesterday, the Supreme Court sent a strong signal to the nation that Arizona’s anti-immigrant law is NOT a model for our country.  The ruling was a warning to other states not to follow in Arizona’s footsteps. While the Justices ruled that most provisions of... Continue »
Similar to the way he ducked the key immigration questions at his speech at last week’s NALEO conference, Mitt Romney today avoided a substantive response to today’s Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s immigration law – despite being in Arizona.  Additionally, while Romney’s statement attempted to call out President Obama... Continue »
McKay Coppins of BuzzFeed Poses Three Immigration Policy Questions Romney Just Can’t Seem to Answer   Similar to the way he ducked the key immigration questions at his speech at last week’s NALEO conference, Mitt Romney today avoided a substantive response to today’s Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s immigration law... Continue »
WASHINGTON –  El fallo de la Suprema Corte de la nación determinando que Arizona tiene la potestad de implementar una de las cláusulas más controversiales de su ley migratoria SB 1070, la 2(B) que permite que la policía cuestione la situación migratoria de alguien legalmente detenido o arrestado si... Continue »
Racial Profiling Provision Will Lead to Discrimination, Needs to be Struck Down in the Future This is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice Education Fund, in response to today’s Supreme Court ruling on the Arizona anti-immigration law.  “Today’s Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s anti-immigrant law... Continue »