Will Boehner Continue to Side with King’s 18% or the Majority of Americans Who Support a Path to Citizenship? The contrast between the commitment, support, and values motivating those supporting and opposing immigration reform is in particularly sharp relief this week. New polling from Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI)...
Over the weekend, House GOP leaders have been making positive noises about holding votes on immigration reform next year. We need to keep up the pressure to make sure that happens. So far, those House leaders have allowed only one immigration vote: Steve King’s amendment to defund DACA and...
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) said today, that while the House GOP is still trying to figure out a way forward on immigration reform, “We have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill.” The day after the 2012 election, Speaker Boehner said we...
Last week, three Republicans came out in support of the House immigration bill HR 15, including two Californians, Reps. Jeff Denham and David Valadao. Commentators praised their bravery for taking a stand—the “embrace of immigration reform eases path for California Republicans,” the LA Times noted, while Buzzfeed invited readers...
Lessons in Virginia and California on Display for GOP, if They Are Willing to Look & Listen Given the likely outcome, the Virginia governor’s race could be a sign of things to come for the GOP in 2014 when it comes to the politics of immigration. Republican candidate Ken...
Message from Pro-Reform Movement: Set a Date for Votes on Immigration Reform or Face Political Consequences Pressure is ratcheting up from the right, left and center for the House of Representatives to move forward on immigration reform with a path to citizenship. The only thing missing is the scheduling...
If there’s one member of Congress who exemplifies the House GOP identity as the “Party of No,” it’s probably Rep. Steve King (R-IA). This week, he’s in the news for being one of the most intractable House Republicans on the government shutdown, one of the few who still think...
During a meeting today with constituents in Rock Rapids, Iowa, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)—one of the chief opponents of the Senate immigration bill—conceded that the legislation is not amnesty. In response to a constituent’s question—“Do you consider the Senate immigration bill amnesty?”—Grassley replied, “I don’t use that word. [The Senate...
Steve King is bad news for his party, a fact that was illustrated again this week when the co-chairman of the Polk County Republican Party in Iowa resigned his position and registered as an independent. Chad Brown told the Des Moines Register that anti-immigrant comments from Steve King—like the...
On Monday, we mocked Steve King for holding what was supposed to be a major anti-immigrant rally in which no one showed up. His non-event turned out to be especially embarrassing when pro-immigration reform forces held a major rally in which thousands showed up just a couple of days...