Mitt Romney has apparently decided that he can’t compete for the Latino vote, so he’s going to focus his energies on depressing it.  This strategy is already in force in states like Nevada and Colorado, the latter being where PBS News Hour interviewed a Latina voter who summed up the situation: “Obama promised... Continue »
There’s a growing consensus that Mitt Romney can’t compete for Latino votes.  Instead, the expectation is that GOP-affiliated Super PACS will run ads aimed at depressing the Latino vote.  In fact, it’s already happening in one of the battleground states: Nevada.  In another battleground, Colorado, PBS News Hour interviewed a... Continue »
Cross-Posted at The Huffington Post: Having alienated Latino voters in the primary with hard right immigration positions and dehumanizing anti-immigrant rhetoric, what will GOP nominee Mitt Romney and his surrogates do in the general election to attract the 40% of Latino votes experts say he needs to win the... Continue »
Alfonso Martinez Sanchez, a 39 year-old father of five, died while trying to cross the Arizona desert last month. He was attempting to reunite with his family after Border Patrol arrested and deported him to Mexico. As the North Carolina Times reports, the tragic story began when Martinez signed... Continue »
Con una veintena de eventos a través de la nación y a seis meses de las elecciones generales, los Soñadores o DREAMers volvieron a la carga en sus esfuerzos de obtener un alivio administrativo de parte del presidente Barack Obama que los proteja de la deportación, como grupo, en... Continue »
La declaración del presidente Barack Obama de que apoya los matrimonios entre personas del mismo sexo se dio tras un proceso de evolución, según afirmó, y de una cuestión de principios, agregó. Es un arriesgado paso político a meses de los comicios generales que le ayudará con un amplio... Continue »
Tomorrow, United We Dream (UWD) is hosting rallies, marches and protests as part of its “Right to DREAM” campaign’s National Day of Action. Frustrated with the Obama Administration, undocumented youth around the country are calling on President Obama to keep families together and use his executive powers to protect... Continue »
President Barack Obama’s announcement that he now supports same-sex marriage came, he said, as the result of a process of “evolution” and a question of principles. The announcement was a risky political move, to be sure, to make a handful of months before the general election; it will undoubtedly... Continue »