The House of Representatives is expected to debate and vote on the NO BAN Act a today, a bill to rescind President Trump’s Muslim Ban, African Ban and Refugee Ban as well as to prevent measures that restrict legal immigration and travel based on religion, national origin or other...

Jun 12, 2020
The Trump administration is proposing a new regulation that all but guts the American asylum system enacted by Congress decades ago, but without a single act by Congress. The American public will have only 30 days to comment on the 161 page draft regulation, cutting in half the customary...
Jun 11, 2020
By Maribel Hastings and David Torres Only in the twisted era of the Donald Trump presidency would they charge the architect of the most racist and anti-immigrant policies of this administration, advisor Stephen Miller, with writing a speech on race relations, right in the middle of this painful moment...
House Judiciary Committee To Mark-Up H.R. 2214, the National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Nonimmigrants Act or the NO BAN Act; along with H.R. 5581 the Access to Counsel Act of 2020 On January 31, the Trump administration announced it would dramatically expand the existing Muslim Ban to include banning six...

A recording of the call is here. Earlier today, advocates, policy experts and individuals whose lives are impacted by the President’s actions gathered on a press call to provide their first-hand perspective on Trump’s extended Muslim Ban. On January 31st, the Trump administration announced their decision to extend the...

Affected families, elected officials, advocates and experts have roundly condemned the Trump administration’s announcement to expand its Muslim ban to target primarily Africans. Among the key voices highlighting the damage to our country’s values, interests, and families include: Speaker Nancy Pelosi denounced Trump’s new regulation in a statement noting...

Jan 31, 2020
Frank Sharry:“There is no reasonable national security or immigration control justification for this policy, other than bald-faced and unapologetic bigotry.” A Wall Street Journal article posted this afternoon confirms the new administration policy that expands on the Trump administration’s existing Muslim ban. More than four out of five of...

A recording of the call is available here. Earlier today, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Rep. Joe Neguse (D-CO) joined policy experts and advocates for African immigrants on a press call to discuss Trump’s extended version of the Muslim Ban that has time and again ostracized and cast...
“Wittingly or not, and their departments have been co-opted into a campaign to extradite an innocent man to almost certain death, in order to make a racist talking point appear to be slightly less of a fiction.” A disturbing New Yorker article highlights how the Trump Administration...

America’s Voice Senate Foreign Relations Report Shows Trump Administration Injected “2020 election” Considerations into TPS Decisions ICYMI: New Report Exposes Trump Administration Illegally Using TPS Terminations To Boost Re-election, Endangering National Security ICYMI: Julia Ainsley: “Watchdog group: Trump DHS pick made false claims about role in family separation policy”...