New Poll of Latino Voters Shows a Whopping 80% Have an Unfavorable Opinion of the GOP’s Presumptive Nominee  A new Washington Post/Univision poll of Latino voters show that if, as expected, GOP leadership fails stop the nomination of Donald Trump’s momentum, Republicans will suffer a staggering loss among Latinos in... Continue »
After his third consecutive win in Nevada last night, Donald Trump is the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee for President (no bother appending with “barring some unforeseeable event” — who’s left for Trump to insult?). But perhaps an bigger “SMH” moment coming out of last night’s caucuses is an entrance... Continue »
Immigration dominated last night’s MSNBC/Telemundo Democratic town hall, the final major event featuring Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders before Nevada’s Democratic caucus on Saturday. Latino voters in the state are heavily expected to influence Saturday’s results. Nevada is a case study in how rapidly-changing demographics can help reshape the... Continue »
So much for “the Hispanics love me,” Donald Trump. The Republican candidate’s bigoted remarks already have him in the hole when it comes to the vital Latino voter demographic, with evidence showing he’s dragging down the GOP along with him (YUGE bad news when you need 47% of Latino voters in... Continue »
Andres Oppenheimer: GOP Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Alienating Latinos and Threatening Republicans’ Chances Kerry Eleveld: Home Raids Against Central American Refugees Could Give GOP “An Escape Route by Driving Down Participation” Among Latino & Immigrant Voters With immigration center stage in the 2016 presidential cycle, one of the most important questions... Continue »
As Candidates Double Down on Hardline Immigration Stances, Latino Voters Mobilize  Despite evidence coming out of Iowa that GOP primary voters in fact, don’t view immigration as a top issue—immigration ranked a distant fourth out of four issues in network entrance polling—that hasn’t stopped the field from doubling down on... Continue »
Immigration At the Democratic Debate
Thanks in large part to the Trump Effect, Republican candidates for President are guaranteed to spend significant portions of every debate seeing who can out-anti-immigrant who. Meanwhile, immigration activists were frustrated that the topic didn’t come up during last night’s Democratic debate on MSNBC until the final few minutes... Continue »
While most Americans who pay attention to politics were focused on the Iowa caucuses for the past few months, immigration activists, including DREAMers, have been actively engaged on the front lines in the state for the past several years. The results have been two-pronged: 1) Defining candidates on the... Continue »
In the aftermath of the Iowa caucus, here’s our assessment of the state of play for immigration politics. For Republicans:  The Entire GOP Field Has Lurched Hard Right on Immigration and Sunk the GOP Brand to the Bottom with Latino and Immigrant Voters: The entire Republican presidential field pledges... Continue »
A host of Latino, Asian, immigrant, and labor rights groups have launched naturalization drives aimed at permanent residents eligible for citizenship — and the images from these workshops and outreach efforts have been absolutely inspiring. Some of the inspiration for getting Latino and immigrant voters out to naturalize and vote has... Continue »