Immigration dominated last night’s MSNBC/Telemundo Democratic town hall, the final major event featuring Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders before Nevada’s Democratic caucus on Saturday. Latino voters in the state are heavily expected to influence Saturday’s results. Nevada is a case study in how rapidly-changing demographics can help reshape the... Continue »
7,000+ Sign Petitions In Support Of Network’s Only Latino Anchor   In response to rumors that MSNBC plans to take José Díaz-Balart  off the air, the Latino community has responded with force. Today, America’s Voice Education Fund and the Dream Action Coalition delivered two petitions with over 7,000 combined signatures to MSNBC Studios, calling on the... Continue »
Earlier today, DRM Action and supporters delivered nearly 8,000 signatures to MSNBC studios demanding the network keep journalist José Díaz-Balart on their weekday morning schedule: @DRMAction + supporters are headed to @MSNBC studios w +7K petition signatures asking @jdbalart is kept on the air! — DRM Action Coalition... Continue »
MSNBC is making changes to its morning lineup, and Latinos have plenty of reason to be concerned. Two weeks ago, Mediaite reported on how the cable news network would seek to reshuffle its morning programming in order to expand “Morning Joe,” hosted by former Republican Representative Joe Scarborough, to... Continue »
What kind of message is MSNBC trying to send our community? Instead of reprimanding Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, for his biased reporting on immigration  issues, they are rewarding him by expanding his show –“Morning Joe”–  to a four hour block. This move would effectively push José... Continue »
The nativists at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), a key component of the Tanton network, have launched another attack on immigrants and their families in a new “study” that exposes what is for them a startling revelation: Some people in the United States are bilingual. Apparently, CIS believes... Continue »
Yesterday, President Obama sat down to talk to Telemundo’s Jose Diaz-Balart.  They talked about everything from Libya to jobs to Latino families–but the last question was about immigration.  In response to a question about how he planned to pursue comprehensive immigration reform during a second term in office, President... Continue »