Washington Times: Allowing illegal immigrants to stay gains support, led by Republicans By Stephen Dinan and Seth McLaughlin Voxxi: More undocumented immigrants would seek citizenship now than in 1986 By Griselda Nevarez ABC/Univision: 9 in 10 Undocumented Immigrants Want Citizenship, Poll Says By Jordan Fabian Politico: Poll: Most illegal... Continue »
A day before the planned release of the Senate Gang of 8’s immigration bill, Voto Latino launched the “I’m Ready for Immigration Reform” campaign with a coalition of other organizations, including including Rock the Vote,  the NAACP, the Human Rights Campaign, the March for Innovation, the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the Asian Pacific... Continue »
Cross-posted at Latino Decisions: Groundbreaking poll of Latino undocumented immigrants shows 85% have U.S. citizen family members; and 87% would plan to apply for citizenship if immigration reform passes A new poll of Latino undocumented immigrants finds they have deep roots in America, with strong family and social connections to U.S.... Continue »
One day after Marco Rubio appeared on all of the Sunday talk shows, and one day before the big Senate immigration bill is scheduled to be released, here are the news clips of the day: Huffington Post (Blog): John Cornyn: Up to His Old Tricks on Immigration By Frank... Continue »
Today, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) hit all seven Sunday morning talk shows, including Univision’s “Al Punto” and Telemundo’s “Enfoque,” to promote the Senate Gang of 8’s highly anticipated immigration bill.  Many other members of the “Gang of 8” also appeared on TV this weekend discussing the legislation, including Sens. Dick... Continue »
I can’t stop smiling! Yesterday, Senator Bob Menendez announced that he and the rest of the Senate’s bi-partisan “Gang of 8” plan to introduce their immigration bill on Tuesday. >Most importantly, Senator Menendez said the Gang of 8’s immigration bill will have a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million... Continue »
Cross-posted at Huffington Post and Burnt Orange Report: As a group of eight senators, four Republicans and four Democrats, work together to make progress on immigration reform, there’s one senator not in the group to keep an eye on.  His name is John Cornyn. In fact, Cornyn is famous for... Continue »
Today, America’s Voice Education Fund and fellow immigration experts held the seventh in a series of weekly press briefings, or Immigration Reform “Office Hours.”  Each week, a different and diverse group of speakers shares the latest information on the players, politics, legislation and other developments in the debate in Washington... Continue »
House members opposed to immigration reform are apparently so marginalized now that the leader of their own specifically designated space for hating on immigrants, the House Immigration Reform Caucus, doesn’t agree with them. Some of the most notorious anti-immigrant Republicans in the House, all with their own storied history... Continue »
The Senate Gang of 8 immigration bill will likely not be publicly released until sometime next week. But, Washington being Washington, details about the bill are already leaking out, including this troubling piece from the AP: A bipartisan immigration bill soon to be introduced in the Senate could exclude... Continue »