Today, America’s Voice Education Fund and fellow immigration experts held the eighth in a series of weekly press briefings, or Immigration Reform “Office Hours.”  Each week, a different and diverse group of speakers shares the latest information on the players, politics, legislation and other developments in the debate in... Continue »
So this is interesting. A piece yesterday at Salon discusses a trick that the National Republican Congressional Committee is trying to pull in Colorado, where it is attacking former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff (D) from the left on immigration.  A website set up by the NRCC slams Romanoff for “lik to waste... Continue »
SENATE JUDICIARY HEARING COVERAGE AND MORE BOSTON REACT Associated Press: Janet Napolitano Talking Immigration Before Senate Judiciary Committee By Erica Werner New York Times: Immigration Bill Would Aid Security, Napolitano Says By Ashley Parker Reuters: Immigration bill could fix some Boston security issues: official By Richard Cowan Politico: Janet... Continue »
Pinging around the blogosphere today has been a Politico article claiming that immigration reform could be a “bonanza” for Democrats, considering that reform could eventually lead to more Hispanic voters, who voted Democratic by a 3-1 margin in the last election.  As the article breathlessly wrote about current undocumented... Continue »
In the Senate Judiciary hearings on Friday, yesterday, and today, Gang of Hate members like Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) repeatedly spent time fearmongering and pushing his colleagues to delay immigration reform on account of the Boston bombings.  That’s his latest tactic for trying to kill the Senate legislation, as... Continue »
The Republican Party has embarked on a major overhaul of its recent anti-immigrant stance, spurred in large part by historically low levels of support from Latino voters in the 2012 elections.  Yet judging from the witnesses that Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-IA) called at yesterday’s immigration... Continue »
MSNBC: Conservatives seize on Boston bombings to slow immigration reform By Zachardy Roth NPR: Immigration Overhaul Seems On Track Despite Boston Tragedy By Frank James SENATE JUDICIARY HEARING COVERAGE New York Times: Heated Questions and Divisions Emerge at Immigration Bill Hearing By Ashley Parker Associated Press: Tempers flare at... Continue »
The Senate Judiciary committee held an all-day hearing on immigration and the newly-released Senate bill today, but one of the most stirring moments came from DREAMer Gaby Pacheco, who talked about her personal story and shared stories from other immigrants.  Her testimony was a beautiful, thoughtful counter to statements... Continue »
What does it mean to have an inclusive pathway to citizenship for the 11 million? It means keeping Colorado mom, Norma Galindo Gonzalez, together with her friends and family in the only country she calls home. By all accounts, Norma is like every other American. She’s built a home. She has... Continue »
Today, former Congressman Jim Kolbe gave powerful testimony at the Senate Judiciary Committee about the need to make sure the immigration reform legislation includes all families, including his own. The “Gang of Eight” bill did not include the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA), which has the support of America’s... Continue »