A new report from the American Immigration Council features harrowing quotes from eight women who fled horror and violence in Central America to the US, but were eventually deported back to their home countries. “First-hand accounts from Central American women and their family members…reveal the dangerous and bleak circumstances... Continue »
A new must read piece in the New York Times analyzes the practical implications of Trump’s immigration proposals. The piece confirms what immigration advocates have been saying all along—not only are Donald Trump’s immigration policies inhumane, but actually implementing them would be enormously expensive and essentially, impossible. The full piece, “Donald Trump’s Immigration... Continue »
The president of the nation’s largest Hispanic evangelical group is currently deciding whether or not to air a video message taped by Donald Trump for its annual conference this weekend. Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, told the Post that though he had not... Continue »
Last summer, we introduced the “Trump Hate Map” – a comprehensive look at the locations and events where Latinos, immigrants, and other people of color have been harassed or attacked by Trump or his supporters. We noted that, to a degree unprecedented in recent American political history, Trump and his campaign’s... Continue »
Two huge victories this week are poised to dramatically change the lives of thousands of undocumented immigrants in New York and California. In New York, the state Board of Regents rejected opposition from Republicans and approved plans to allow DACA recipients to apply for teaching certification, medical-related licenses, and... Continue »
Today, two Boston brothers who brutally assaulted a Mexican immigrant in a Donald Trump inspired hate crime were sentenced to prison. The following is a blog post on the incident by America’s Voice’s Gabe Ortiz (read the post in Spanish here): Two self-proclaimed Donald Trump supporters have been sentenced to prison after... Continue »
For the second time this year, the news that the Obama Administration is planning another round of immigration raids targeting Central American mothers and children is driving a deep sense of panic and fear within the immigrant community. While a number of leading Democrats — including Presidential candidates Hillary... Continue »
After news broke last week that the Obama Administration was planning a new round of immigration raids targeting young mothers and unaccompanied children from Central America, leading Democratic voices and policy experts and advocates condemned the planned enforcement actions as morally wrong and misguided on policy. Additionally, as leading observers... Continue »
Did you catch our taco bowl action yesterday? We know Sen. Rob Portman did. And so did Sen. John Cornyn. And Sen. Mark Kirk — and any other Congressional Republican standing with Donald Trump and his ugly vision of America. When we heard that the GOP’s new standard-bearer would... Continue »
Following reports by Reuters yesterday that the Obama Administration is planning a new round of immigration raids targeting young mothers and unaccompanied children from Central America, a number of leading Democrats have added their voices to the growing chorus in strong opposition to the enforcement actions. In a statement yesterday, Senator Menendez (D-NJ)... Continue »