“This is a scorched earth policy with Trump and Miller determined to do as much damage as possible on their way out.” Yesterday, the Trump administration introduced sweeping restrictions to asylum. The intended outcome is to make it virtually impossible for human beings to be granted refuge from...

Politico reports: President Donald Trump and his top aides are planning to rev up their campaign machine in the coming days with an aggressive focus on voters’ perceived fears about crime, China and immigration — invoking parts of their successful 2016 strategy as they try to regain ground lost...

Jun 5, 2020
Trump hides behind a wall in Washington D.C. while he diverts public funds to build a campaign prop on the border Nick Miroff’s story in the Washington Post carries the headline “People are sawing through and climbing over Trump’s border wall. Now contractors are being asked for ideas...

Statement by Frank Sharry Rep. Steve King lost his Republican primary for reelection to the House from Iowa’s 4th District last night. While he will not return to Congress in January, his legacy of racism, ultra-nationalism and xenophobia is now the central organizing principle of the Republican Party...

May 29, 2020
Martin Luther King, Jr: “True peace is not the absence of conflict…. but the presence of justice.” Typically, America’s Voice stays in the immigration lane. But at this moment, Americans from all walks and activists on all issues need to stand up and be heard. The killing of Black...

The border wall is a costly campaign prop While America mourns the loss of 100,000 of our friends and family, President Trump remains consumed with building his border wall. Elizabeth Findell of the Wall Street Journal highlights how the Trump administration is proceeding full steam ahead with border wall...

“Trump and his cronies are focused on fulfilling a campaign promise in time for the 2020 election to benefit himself, his donors and Senators like John Cornyn who are running for election on the President’s coattails.” – Mario Carrillo The Washington Post reports that the Trump administration has...

The Washington Post reports that the Trump administration has awarded the largest-yet contract for building the border wall — a $1.3 billion award to Fisher Sand & Gravel, owned by Fox News-appearing, Trump-praising, GOP donor Tommy Fisher. As Nick Miroff writes in the Post, “The new award to Fisher...

May 13, 2020
Frank Sharry: “At a time when immigrants across America are pulling their weight on behalf of all of us, it’s imperative that we as a nation treat them as essential members of the American family. All of us should mean all of us.” The HEROES Act, introduced yesterday...

The U.S. economy is tanking. Tens of thousands of Americans have lost their lives. President Trump has no plan and (while not wearing a mask) is washing his hands of his responsibility to lead the nation through the worst crisis of our lifetime. His reelection prospects are threatened. So,...