A day after Latinos and immigrants lined up for hours on the last night of early voting in Nevada, the state’s GOP chairman and Donald Trump supporter claimed that “in Clark County, they kept a poll open till 10 o’clock at night so a certain group could vote.” “A certain... Continue »
One of the most dynamic groups on the ground this election season is Bazta Arpaio, a campaign mobilizing Arizona’s Latino and immigrant voters to oust the beleaguered Sheriff of Maricopa County, Joe Arpaio. Arpaio — facing a boom of newly-registered and naturalized Latino voters, sinking favorability numbers, and federal... Continue »
Former KKK leader David Duke was one of the six candidates onstage at last night’s Louisiana Senate debate, in case anyone is still doubting whether Donald Trump has emboldened white supremacists. It was one single poll that made Duke — who has credited Donald Trump for inspiring his latest political run... Continue »
Donald Trump’s insult-laden campaign has given permission to many to vocally express their racist and intolerant views — even in our nation’s schools. Since the start of his candidacy, we’ve seen a flood of disturbing attacks on Latino and other students of color at the hands of pro-Trump students.... Continue »
The Trump-backing Texas official who called Hillary Clinton the c-word on social media ripped his tweet straight from an alt-right account popular among Trumpians. Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, who refers to himself as a “deplorable” in his Twitter bio, deleted the tweet about 15 minutes after it was posted.... Continue »
According to POLITICO, white nationalists, KKK members and neo-Nazis plan to “watch polls” and harass Black and other voters of color on Election Day: Neo-Nazi leader Andrew Anglin plans to muster thousands of poll-watchers across all 50 states. His partners at the alt-right website “the Right Stuff” are touting... Continue »
A new ad inspired by the infamous 1964 “Daisy” ad that helped defeat Republican Presidential nominee Barry Goldwater is targeting another extremist: Joe Arpaio. “The stakes are too high to let Trump and Arpaio win.” Powerful new @BaztaArpaio ad: pic.twitter.com/KX7vGTQ9xG #BaztaArpaio — America’s Voice (@AmericasVoice) November 1, 2016 Bazta Arpaio, the Arizona... Continue »
Journalist Maria Hinojosa ripped into a member of Donald Trump’s Hispanic Advisory Board (remember that?) for his use of the pejorative “illegals” during an appearance on MSNBC’s AM Joy this past weekend. At one point, Trump advisor Steve Cortes said that “it is more unfair for legal immigrants to allow... Continue »
“Hate Rising,” the new documentary with journalist Jorge Ramos, premiered on Fusion and Univision last night — and for many of us, the images from the film have been sadly all too familiar for the past year and a half. HATE RISING Promo from CatTails on Vimeo. Ramos spent nine... Continue »
Last night, former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland (R) said that he “very strongly” supports a path to citizenship for aspiring Americans, while his rival, incumbent Senator Rob Portman, expressed support for just legalizing their status.  Some are reporting that this means the candidates largely agree on immigration.  But for... Continue »