Below is a reaction from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, on the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) to be Attorney General for the Trump Administration. Another day, another example of how President-elect Trump is filling the most powerful cabinet positions and senior White House posts in... Continue »
This is not normal. Last night, Donald Trump surrogate Carl Higbie cited Japanese internment camps as “precedent” for the President-elect’s proposed horror show, a Muslim registry. A shocked Megyn Kelly admonished his claim, leaving Higbie — formerly of the “Great America PAC” — furiously attempting a backtrack. Trump surrogates are already citing... Continue »
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a key member of Donald Trump’s transition team, said the President-elect’s Administration “is considering a registry for immigrants from Muslim countries and the construction of a border wall without congressional approval,” according to POLITICO. Additionally, McClatchy reports that Kobach is being floated as... Continue »
New FBI data shows a surge in hate crimes against minority groups, adding to “previous findings by researchers and outside monitors…who have noted an alarming rise in some types of crimes tied to the vitriol of this year’s presidential campaign,” noted the New York Times: In its report on... Continue »
On last night’s “60 Minutes,” Donald Trump pledged to immediately deport 2 to 3 million immigrants, stating that we need to remove “the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers.” Don’t be fooled. There are nowhere near 3 million dangerous, undocumented immigrants living in the United... Continue »
Donald Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon — “the main driver behind Breitbart becoming a white ethno-nationalist propaganda mill” — was named chief strategist and senior counselor to the President-elect. Under Bannon’s leadership, “Breitbart’s publishing strategy turned to one that has made it the media arm of the racist Alternative-Right... Continue »
Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign emboldened racists and bigots to commit hateful acts against Latinos, immigrants, Muslim-Americans, and other already-marginalized groups. Now his Presidential victory has given them permission to double-down. In the hours since President-elect Trump’s victory, we’ve seen a flood of reports of Trump-inspired hate acts by his supporters. We’ve tracked these... Continue »
A day after Latinos and immigrants lined up for hours on the last night of early voting in Nevada, the state’s GOP chairman and Donald Trump supporter claimed that “in Clark County, they kept a poll open till 10 o’clock at night so a certain group could vote.” “A certain... Continue »
One of the most dynamic groups on the ground this election season is Bazta Arpaio, a campaign mobilizing Arizona’s Latino and immigrant voters to oust the beleaguered Sheriff of Maricopa County, Joe Arpaio. Arpaio — facing a boom of newly-registered and naturalized Latino voters, sinking favorability numbers, and federal... Continue »
Former KKK leader David Duke was one of the six candidates onstage at last night’s Louisiana Senate debate, in case anyone is still doubting whether Donald Trump has emboldened white supremacists. It was one single poll that made Duke — who has credited Donald Trump for inspiring his latest political run... Continue »