Yesterday’s electoral results confirmed two trends in evidence since Trump’s election in 2016: Energy and enthusiasm remains high for voters who make up the “Coalition of the Decent” and are intent on electing Democrats and checking Trump. Republican attempts to use anti-immigrant fear mongering fails again, this time in...
A new analysis of House Republican candidates’ midterm TV ads, conducted by Kantar Media and published by USA Today, confirms that ugly anti-immigrant fear mongering and divisiveness is the central thrust of the White House and Republicans’ 2018 political strategy. The USA Today article, “Immigration dominating GOP candidates’ TV...
The latest episode of our podcast, “A is for America”, features an interview with our own Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, who spoke with us about immigration politics and the GOP’s hate-filled agenda in 2018. This week, a Border Patrol officer detained two U.S. citizen women heard speaking...
Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign with an attack on Mexican immigrants and his anti-immigrant positions have become the centerpiece of his presidency. In 2017, Republican candidates for Governor in New Jersey and Virginia echoed Trump’s messages with a slew of ugly ads. Both lost. But, undaunted, many Republicans...
Last night, primary voters in Pennsylvania rejected a Pro-Trump Democrat with a well-established track record of demonizing and scapegoating immigrants. In the PA-07 primary, longtime local District Attorney John Morganelli, who had proudly supported Trump’s anti-immigrant push and touted his work with Kris Kobach, lost a competitive primary to local attorney Susan Wild....
Following the first ‘Super Tuesday’ of the primary season and ahead of the midterm elections, Juan Escalante, Communications Manager for America’s Voice, makes it clear that Latino voters – like all voters – want candidates to respect and address who they are and what they care about – without pandering....
In a new column in The Atlantic, Ron Brownstein analyzes one of the most important takeaways from Tuesday’s primaries. Brownstein captures that Republican candidates across America – even the so-called “mainstream” candidates in contentious GOP primaries – have embraced the Trump agenda on immigration: In several key races, GOP primary voters rejected candidates...
In a must-read blog post, America’s Voice Political Director Matt Hildreth breaks down two failed reelection bids of North Carolina sheriffs who collaborated with Trump’s deportation ICE in deporting undocumented immigrants. Read the full blog post from Matt Hildreth below: Last night, due to the activism and work of advocates...
Ohioans Are Looking for Problem-Solvers, Not a Race to the Bottom Cleveland, OH — After landslide victories in the primaries, Mike DeWine and Richard Cordray are facing off in the governor’s race. While Lt. Governor Mary Taylor was not able to ride to victory on being the most extreme...
Last night, due to the activism and work of advocates on the front lines in North Carolina, two sheriffs who have worked with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) — and boasted about it — lost their reelection bids. In Mecklenberg County, Garry McFadden easily defeated incumbent Sheriff Irwin Carmichael,...