The news that TPS relief will be extended for nine months for U.S. residents from Honduras, El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Nepal, and Sudan – on the heels of DACA being reinstated – is a tremendous success story and one that few would have thought possible at the start of... Continue »
Time for Cornyn to Introduce Stand Alone Dreamer Bill He Promised   The recent federal court ruling ordering the Trump administration to fully reinstate the popular and successful DACA program for Dreamers is worth celebrating. But the future of DACA and Dreamers’ ability to live and plan their futures... Continue »
Yesterday, we highlighted how American public sentiment, led by the courage and first-person testimonials of Dreamers themselves, created the climate for the impressive work of the movement’s litigators to win in the courts to keep DACA alive. These victories have come despite a relentless, multiyear attack on DACA from... Continue »
In the first Lincoln-Douglas debate, Abraham Lincoln said: “public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it, nothing can succeed.” Case in point: the battle to save DACA from the relentless attacks on it by Republicans and Trump. For four years, Donald Trump and Stephen Miller... Continue »
On Saturday, federal judge Nicholas Garaufis ruled that Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf was serving unlawfully when he issued this summer’s memo restricting access to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. As a result, the DACA program may be  poised to accept first-time applications from tens of... Continue »
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The “Cornyn Con” is now laced with cowardice   We have labeled the distance between what Senator John Cornyn says and how he votes the “Cornyn Con,” or in Spanish, “La Farsa Cornyn.” And wow, do we have another good example to add to the litany of Cornyn’s hypocrisy,... Continue »
DACA is on the ballot in November Shorter Trump: I Love Dreamers So Much I’m Trying to Deport Them DACA is on the ballot in November The Liar-in-Chief tackled last night’s question from a pro-DACA questioner with his usual bluster, obfuscation and mendacity. He said, “we’re gonna take care... Continue »
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Senator John Cornyn is facing a tough re-election fight against Democratic challenger M.J. Hegar ahead of tonight’s Senate debate. Polls show the diversifying Texas electorate holds overwhelmingly pro-Dreamer and pro-citizenship sentiments and Senator Cornyn’s hypocrisy and failures on immigration have been a recent focus of the race. Here are... Continue »
“The wedge has lost its edge.” Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly could not have been more clear about supporting immediate, standalone legislation to put Dreamers on a path to citizenship during his debate against Sen. Martha McSally in Arizona yesterday.  The debate (video), the only one scheduled in the... Continue »
 John Cornyn is in Senate leadership, serving as the Republicans’ second-in-command during their years in the majority. Yet when it comes to exerting that power and delivering on the immigration issues he claims to care about, he conveniently never seems to make it happen. We’ve been highlighting Cornyn’s obvious... Continue »