Rep Escobar
You can listen to a recording of the call here   Earlier today, Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX) joined two key experts to shine light on what is really going on at the border and what the media and critics are missing from this storyline. While this “crisis at the... Continue »
TW: violence, racism, & death Instead of working to pass the “Dream & Promise Act” or “Farm Workforce Modernization Act,” NBC News reporters Jacob Soboroff and Morgan Chesky are reporting that 19 Republican Senators are set “to ride up and down the Rio Grande on @TxDPS boats outfitted with multiple .30 caliber... Continue »
NBC News reporters Jacob Soboroff and Morgan Chesky are reporting that 19 Republican Senators are set “to ride up and down the Rio Grande on @TxDPS boats outfitted with multiple .30 caliber machine guns.” The “threat” that they are play-act “patrolling” against? Vulnerable kids seeking refuge in America.  The... Continue »
At President Biden’s first official press conference this afternoon, we expect lots of questions about the border, asylum policy, and migration from Central America. Here is important context: Trump weaponized a broken system The Trump administration cut aid to Central America, increasing migration pressures. They ended investments in Central... Continue »
Over the last few weeks, the Republican party and their right-wing media allies have tried to exploit desperate migrant kids at the border for political gain. In spite of the facts on the ground, the GOP employed a coordinated effort to solely blame President Biden, framing the situation a... Continue »
Kids are fleeing for their lives. Democrats are proposing intelligent solutions to complex challenges. The Republicans are playing politics.  A powerful NBC News story, “‘My dream is to meet my dad’: They crossed the border alone to reunite with parents,” interviews kids who just arrived in America: “‘Have you... Continue »
Let’s be clear. Whether it’s called a “crisis” or not, the situation at the border, with thousands of young people arriving alone every day, has occurred and will continue occurring whether or not Joe Biden is in the White House, or another Republican more recalcitrant than Donald Trump. With... Continue »
“There’s no migrant surge”…“border looks identical to 2019 without repeat crossers”…“the media must be held accountable for shallow reporting” Experts are pushing back on the breathless, context-free coverage and commentary of the so-called “Biden border crisis.” For those who follow this closely, It is not a crisis; Biden is... Continue »
Hablemos claro. Se le llame o no crisis, la situación en la frontera, con miles de menores arribando solos todos los días, ha ocurrido y seguirá ocurriendo, esté o no Joe Biden en la Casa Blanca, o esté otro republicano más recalcitrante que Donald Trump. Con demócratas o republicanos... Continue »
Cut through the noise. Break through the fog of GOP talking points. Disregard the Sunday show hype. The choice before America’s policy makers is this: Should America welcome kids fleeing violence, or send them back to the violence they fled? Former Trump administration officials and GOP policymakers argue that... Continue »