Latinos and the Republican Party haven’t seen eye-to-eye much recently.  However, leaders of prominent Latino-focused organizations and leading Republican pollsters each made news yesterday and reached a similar conclusion: the Republican Party needs to play ball on real immigration reform or else pay an escalating political price.  There’s a... Continue »
Changing Demographics & Corrosive GOP Image Among Latinos a Recipe for Increasing Political Irrelevance Unless Party Adapts on Immigration Latinos and the Republican Party haven’t seen eye-to-eye much recently.  However, leaders of prominent Latino-focused organizations and leading Republican pollsters each made news yesterday and reached a similar conclusion: the... Continue »
Editor’s Note: We’ve updated our House and Senate Races to Watch reports! Please check them out here: House Races Post-Election Scorecard Senate Races Post-Election Scorecard In the lead up to November 6th, America’s Voice tracked a range of competitive House and Senate races where Latino, Asian, and naturalized citizen voters could prove decisive.  A... Continue »
Demographics Drive Changes in States and Congressional Districts, With Big Implications for Future Elections  In the lead up to November 6th, America’s Voice tracked a range of competitive House and Senate races where Latino, Asian, and naturalized citizen voters could prove decisive.  A new post-election scorecard from America’s Voice... Continue »
Updated November 2012 | Click here to download PDF Outcome of Key Contests Will Influence Path Forward on Immigration Reform Next Year In fifteen House races America’s Voice identified as Races to Watch for Supporters of Immigration Reform in the election, supporters and champions of immigrant rights won ten and... Continue »
Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA) has long been a leading anti-immigrant Member of Congress.  Rep. Bilbray currently chairs the extremist House Immigration Reform Caucus and is a former lobbyist for the Federation for Immigration Reform (FAIR), which the Southern Poverty Law Center designates as a hate group.  Yet after California redrew its congressional districts last... Continue »
In America’s Voice “Races to Watch for Supporters of Immigration Reform,” Four of Five CA Republicans Lost  Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA) has long been a leading anti-immigrant Member of Congress.  Rep. Bilbray currently chairs the extremist House Immigration Reform Caucus and is a former lobbyist for the Federation for... Continue »
A week out from the 2012 elections, it’s clear that Latino voters’ decisive role in the electorate has boosted the prospects and accelerated the timetable for passing immigration reform legislation.  Here are two key reasons why: 1. Without a significantly improved performance among Latino voters, the Republican Party’s future... Continue »
A week out from the 2012 elections, it’s clear that Latino voters’ decisive role in the electorate has boosted the prospects and accelerated the timetable for passing immigration reform legislation.  Here are two key reasons why: 1)      Without a significantly improved performance among Latino voters, the Republican Party’s future... Continue »
Huge Latino Support for Democrats in Presidential, Senate and House Races Shows Texas May Not Be Red for Long  The 2012 elections demonstrate that Latino and new citizen voters are changing politics in Texas and around the country. Newly-released election-eve polling from impreMedia and Latino Decisions – which surveyed Latino voters nationally... Continue »