The Fix on Immigration: American People Support Citizenship, Republicans “Hard-Pressed to Vote Against” 12/11/12 at 11:38 am At The Fix, the Washington Post’s political blogger Chris Cillizza, took a close look at the new Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll (which we wrote about yesterday.) Cillizza came up with a number... Continue »
Latino Voters Motivated by Immigration Issue Mobilize in Unprecedented Numbers for Obama and Carmona The 2012 elections demonstrate that Latino and new citizen voters are changing politics in Arizona and around the country. Newly-released election-eve polling from impreMedia and Latino Decisions – which surveyed Latino voters nationally and in eleven states,... Continue »
It is hard to overstate the influence of Latino voters in shaping the results of the 2012 elections.  They played a critical role in re-electing President Obama and in saving the Democratic majority in the Senate, again.  And immigration clearly was one if the main issues that produced unprecedented Latino... Continue »
Immigration a Major Issue as Latinos Help Obama Win Re-election and the Democrats Hold the Senate It is hard to overstate the influence of Latino voters in shaping the results of the 2012 elections.  They played a critical role in re-electing President Obama and in saving the Democratic majority... Continue »
In a New Huffington Post Latino Voices Blog, Frank Sharry Explains How the President’s Courage Trumped Romneys Cowardice   Ahead of election day, Frank Sharry, Executive Director at America’s Voice, makes the case for how the issue of immigration influenced the course of the 2012 election.  In a new Huffington... Continue »
The Wall Street Journal‘s front-page headline on November 1st read “Election May Hinge on Latino Turnout.” If true, Mitt Romney should start working on his concession speech. With respect to Latino voters, the two key factors to consider are margin and mobilization. Regarding margin, the most recent impreMedia/Latino Decisions tracking poll shows that Obama... Continue »
Today, America’s Voice releases a spotlight on fourteen competitive House races of importance to Latino and Asian voters and all those who care about common sense immigration reform.  The analysis evaluates the power of the Latino and Asian voter community in these Congressional Districts and summarizes where each U.S. House candidate... Continue »
Today’s editorial in the Washington Post blasts Mitt Romney’s handling (or better put, mishandling) of the immigration issue and offers some cogent advice to the candidate himself: f Mr. Romney really wants to make inroads into Mr. Obama’s lead among Hispanics, what he needs is an immigration policy that... Continue »
Cross-Posted at Jack and Jill Politics: Does Mitt Romney even hear himself when he talks? By now we all know about the new video Mother Jones released of Mitt Romney writing  off 47% of Americans by calling us “dependents” who would vote for Obama no matter what.  The punditocracy... Continue »
Fourth in Series of State Fact Sheets Highlighting Key Statistics and Information about 2012 Latino Battleground States Today, America’s Voice releases “Spotlight on Colorado: Immigration, Latino Voters, and the 2012 Elections.”  The Colorado release is the fourth, following Arizona, Nevada and Florida, in a series of “state spotlights” focusing on... Continue »