Range of Developments Show Why Real Reform on its Way in 2013 A range of developments underscores the momentum behind immigration reform, while highlighting the newfound support for reform from both traditional and non-traditional backers.  Even the spate of stories last week that asked if business and labor disputes... Continue »
President Obama gave interviews to Univision and Telemundo yesterday in which he expressed confidence that immigration reform would be accomplished this summer.  The Senate Gang of 8 is “actually making progress” on immigration, he said.  “I’m actually optimistic.”  Otherwise, the President noted, he has his own legislation waiting in... Continue »
Four Senators from the bi-partisan “Gang of Eight” that is drafting immigration legislation will tour the U.S./Mexico border at Nogales, AZ today.  After their visit, Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), John McCain (R-AZ), and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will hold a press conference.  With all eyes on the Senators, they... Continue »
With Border Security at Record Highs, Now is the Time to Tackle the Rest of Immigration Reform Four Senators from the bi-partisan “Gang of Eight” that is drafting immigration legislation will tour the U.S./Mexico border at Nogales, AZ today.  After their visit, Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO), Jeff Flake (R-AZ),... Continue »
With immigration reform moving to center stage, the political implications and motivations behind the debate are also moving into the limelight. According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice: While some observers remain stuck in the old conventional wisdom regarding the politics of immigration, most leaders and strategists... Continue »
With immigration reform moving to center stage, the political implications and motivations behind the debate are also moving into the limelight. According to Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice, “While some observers remain stuck in the old conventional wisdom regarding the politics of immigration, most leaders and strategists... Continue »
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has just identified immigration as the top legislative priority for the Senate in 2013—and that’s just the latest sign that immigration reform will happen this year.  Here are more signs–bipartisan signs–from the last few days: President Obama highlighted immigration as an issue to tackle... Continue »
Two new studies on immigration enforcement show that the border first/border only immigration policy is not enough.  After spending more on immigration enforcement than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined, and achieving record levels of enforcement, the immigration system remains broken.  The missing piece—and the centerpiece of the... Continue »
MPI & CAP Demonstrate that We Can’t Spend our Way to Immigration Solution or Believe “Border First” Crowd Two new studies on immigration enforcement show that the border first/border only immigration policy is not enough.  After spending more on immigration enforcement than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined,... Continue »
January 3, 2013 | Download PDF here Having just finished covering the most expensive presidential campaign in U.S. history, political journalists were quick to analyze how the President had cast aside the doubters and won his re-election by a resounding margin. While some pointed to the re-election campaign’s success... Continue »