With Members of Congress home for recess, the growing grassroots movement behind citizenship for undocumented Americans is taking action and already producing results.  As the New York Times editorialized on Sunday, “an amazing array of determined advocates from all corners of the country has plunged into a month of... Continue »
TIME: Expect More Than Just Town Hall Protests This August By Alex Rogers Fox News: House Republicans feel summer recess heat on immigration BuzzFeed: Mark Zuckerberg Joins Zero-Hour Push For Immigration Reform By Adrian Carrasquillo PolitiFact: Words, audience matter in politically sensitive immigration debate By Dave Umhoefer Houston Chronicle... Continue »
Updated September 13, 2013 Republican & Conservative Movement Leaders Support Immigration Reform Since the 2012 election, leading Republican and conservative voices are calling for a new Republican approach to immigration, as evidenced by the following quotes: Republican Elected Officials Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), wrote in an op-ed, “Everybody agrees... Continue »
GOP Conference Meeting, Sec. Janet Napolitano’s Resignation, Latino Influence on 2014 Congressional Races, Future Latino Voters are Up for Grabs  Today, America’s Voice Education Fund alongside other immigration advocates and policy experts held the eighteenth in a series of weekly “Office Hours” press briefings.  Moderated by Frank Sharry, Executive Director at America’s Voice Education Fund,... Continue »
Cross-posted at Latino Decisions, Latino Vote Matters, and Daily Kos: While the 2016 presidential election is a full three years away many of the high profile Republican contenders are enmeshed in the immigration reform debate, and if Republicans demonstrate strong leadership on passing comprehensive immigration reform with a path... Continue »
The following is a press statement from VoteVets: With immigration reform legislation set for final passage in the U.S. Senate, all facets of the immigrant community are standing together and speaking up in support of reform and calling on the House to follow the Senate’s example. Today, VoteVets hosted... Continue »
The prospects for passing immigration reform improved markedly this week. A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report shows that immigration reform grows the economy and reduces the deficit.  The latest Gallup poll shows broad and deep support for reform that includes a path to citizenship.  And an over-the-top bipartisan... Continue »
House and Senate State of Play, Corker-Hoeven Amendment, CBO Report Today, America’s Voice Education Fund alongside other immigration advocates and policy experts held the seventeenth in a series of weekly “Office Hours” press briefings.  Moderated by Frank Sharry, Executive Director at America’s Voice Education Fund, today’s call featured Eliseo... Continue »
A range of developments this week underscore the momentum behind immigration reform, while highlighting the newfound support for reform from both traditional and non-traditional backers.  Even the spate of stories last week that asked if business and labor disputes would help scuttle the overall reform effort were overblown, as... Continue »
A range of developments underscores the momentum behind immigration reform, while highlighting the newfound support for reform from both traditional and non-traditional backers.  Even the spate of stories last week that asked if business and labor disputes would help scuttle the overall reform effort were overblown, as the talks... Continue »