Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (noticias en español al final de la página): AMERICA’S VOICE Teen Vogue How Things Would Be Different If Pence Was President Instead of Trump By Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy March 9, 2017 Miami Herald (Opinion) Oppenheimer: Trump continues to demonize immigrants By Andres Oppenheimer March 13, 2017 Arizona Republic... Continue »
As we highlighted yesterday, hopes that Secretary Kelly would be a voice of reason on immigration in the Trump administration are fading quickly, as Kelly deploys his agents to aggressively enforce President Trump’s cruel immigration policies. In a new piece, the New York Times editorial board says “Kelly is missing... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (noticias en español al final de la página): REVISED TRUMP TRAVEL BAN Associated Press: Experts: New travel ban more palatable, still problematic By Gene Johnson and Sadie Gurman March 7, 2017 Associated Press: Justice Department wants its appeal of old travel ban tossed By Martha Bellisle March 7,... Continue »
On the heels of the revised Muslim and refugee ban, civil rights and progressive leaders condemned Trump’s cruel executive orders on immigration and called on Congress to protect immigrants and stand up for American values of inclusion and fairness. In recent weeks, immigrant communities across the country have seen... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (noticias en español al final de la página): AMERICA’S VOICE The Christian Post: Immigration Reform News 2017: Doubts Surround U.S. President Donald Trump’s Immigration Talk By Janna Dela Cruz March 6, 2017 Black Star News: DONALD TRUMP’S RACIST MUSLIM BAN UNDERMINES U.S. SECURITY By Frank Sharry March 6,... Continue »
This last weekend, SNL released a mock trailer called “The TBD Story,” skewering the almost complete lack of any Republicans in Washington who are willing to stand up to Donald Trump. “It was a country in chaos,” the mock-trailer voiceover intones, “a nation divided, led by a president with... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (noticias en español al final de la página): AMERICA’S VOICE Associated Press: AP Explains: Trump’s office on immigrant crime March 1, 2017 New York Times: Trump Seesaws on Legal Status for Undocumented Immigrants By Michael D. Shear March 1, 2017 Politico: Democrats dismiss Trump’s immigration reform talk By... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (noticias en español al final de la página): AMERICA’S VOICE TIME: Democrats Are Using Their Guests at the Joint Address to Troll President Trump By Maya Rhodan February 28, 2017 NBC: Donald Trump Teases Immigration Shock, Backs Off in Speech By Benjy Sarlin March 1, 2017 Arizona Republic:... Continue »
Ohio Resources: Immigrants, Lawyers, Advocates Available for Reaction and Analysis Cleveland, Ohio – Tonight, President Trump will address a joint session of Congress.  We expect a dark speech that is short on facts and long on fear-mongering against immigrants, Muslims, and refugees. Lynn Tramonte, Director of Ohio’s Voice, said:... Continue »
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer recently praised the DHS immigration enforcement memos — which provide a detailed blueprint for mass deportation — for taking “the shackles off” ICE and CBP agents. Below are just a few examples of what has happened since the “unshackling” began: ICE and Its Disturbing... Continue »