It looks like Republicans have a new strategy to improve on Mitt Romney’s dismal 23% Latino voter turnout from 2012: Cancelling the only GOP debate scheduled to air on Spanish-language television. Upset over perceived “gotcha” questions from moderators during last week’s CNBC debate, the RNC has suspended its... Continue »
Lynn Tramonte: “Republicans Continue to Shrink From Leadership and Allow The Nativists in the Party to Run Amok” In Congress, the courts, and the 2016 campaign trail, the Republican Party continues to cede control to the anti-immigrant wing of the Party.  Among the latest reminders: In Congress, newly-elected Republican Speaker... Continue »
New Denver Post Piece Captures the Immigration Politics at Play in a State with a Surging Latino Population Washington, DC – As all eyes focus in on the next GOP debate in Colorado, a new Denver Post piece discusses the fact that the politics of immigration in the state... Continue »
After his terrible performance with Latino voters in 2012, Mitt Romney is an expert on how Republicans can mishandle the immigration issue, alienate Latino voters, and destroy the party’s general election chances in the process.  As a result, new comments from Romney criticizing the tone and tenor of the Republican primary season’s focus... Continue »
English (en español al final de la página): Media Matters: How Conservative Media Obliterated The Space For “Compassionate Conservatism” On Immigration By Jessica Torres AP: Clinton seeking to organize Latino voters ahead of primaries By Ken Thomas National Journal: From “Welfare Queens” to Immigrants By Tanvi Misra Washington Post:... Continue »
GOP Needs to Build Stronger Relationships With Latino and Asian American Voters, Not Bigger Walls and Detention Centers A new Pew Research report, released on the 50th anniversary of the landmark Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, documents startling demographic changes to the U.S. population and the American electorate in recent... Continue »
Yesterday, we noted that the entire Republican presidential field was tacking to the right on issues of immigration and immigrants, highlighting new examples of how even the supposedly pro-reform candidacies of Sen. Marco Rubio and former Gov. Jeb Bush getting caught in the nativist undertow generated by the extreme, anti-immigrant comments of... Continue »
Down the line, the Republican presidential field is moving further to the right on immigration policy and politics.  While polling frontrunners Donald Trump and Ben Carson have offered the most chilling and explicitly anti-immigrant paeans to the nativist wing of the party, even supposedly pro-reform candidates like Senator Marco... Continue »
Devastating Loss of Latino Vote in CA 2010 Senate Race Was Even Worse Than Romney’s Total The consensus takeaway from last night’s Republican presidential debate is that Carly Fiorina was the big winner, perhaps emerging as the leading alternative to frontrunner Donald Trump.  Yet when it comes to Fiorina’s... Continue »
For additional details, contact and please check out the America’s Voice 2016 content, including detailed candidate tracking information, at Here are a few key reminders and questions surrounding the politics of immigration ahead of Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate. Do Observers Fully Appreciate the Radical and Nativist Ideas that Donald... Continue »