English (en español al final de la página):
Media Matters: How Conservative Media Obliterated The Space For “Compassionate Conservatism” On Immigration
By Jessica Torres
AP: Clinton seeking to organize Latino voters ahead of primaries
By Ken Thomas
National Journal: From “Welfare Queens” to Immigrants
By Tanvi Misra
Washington Post: Mitt Romney weighs in on 2016, says Trump ‘will not be the nominee’
By Philip Rucker
Buzzfeed News: Republicans Are Surveying Latinos In Swing States On Everything From Uber To Puerto Rican Statehood
By Adrian Carrasquillo
NBC News: Poll: 67 Percent of Latinos Have ‘Very Negative’ View of Trump
By Carrie Dann
CNBC: Latinas say Trump is the worst thing about US
By Michelle Castillo
Denver Post (Colorado): George Brauchler won’t seek U.S. Senate bid, leaves GOP scrambling
By John Frank
Daily News: Donald Trump wants to kick Syrian refugees out of the U.S. because ‘they could be ISIS’
By Meg Wagner
Los Angeles Times: Obama administration to pitch Syria refugee plan to skeptical lawmakers
By Marcus Howard
New York Times: Refugee Crisis in Syria Raises Fears in South Carolina
By Richard Fausset
AP: Ted Kennedy Voices Frustrations in Newly Released Recordings
New York Times: Reflections of a ‘Master Legislator’
By Adam Clymer
Huffington Post: Ted Kennedy Thought Harry Reid Didn’t Do Enough On Immigration Reform In 2007
By Elise Foley
AP: Immigrants ‘Heartbroken’ Over About-Face on Visas
AP: Arizona Sheriff Faces 2nd Day of Testimony in Contempt Case
NBC News: Phoenix Murals Turn Immigration Controversy Into Latino Pride
By Griselda Nevarez
The Hill: Democrat pushes ObamaCare coverage for all immigrants
By Mike Lillis
New York Times: Toys ‘R’ Us Brings Temporary Foreign Workers to U.S. to Move Jobs Overseas
By Julia Preston
NBC News: Transgender Latinos Fight For Equality
By Raul Reyes
AP (Kansas): Voters challenge Kansas citizenship rule, voter rolls change
By John Hanna
NJ.Com (New Jersey): Princeton takes steps to be more immigrant-friendly
By Cristina Rojas
Times Picayune (Louisiana): ‘Welcoming’ immigration resolution stops short of ‘sanctuary city’ policies
By Robert McClendon
New York Times (Opinion): Jeb Bush: Crying Out Loud
By Charles Blow
Bloomberg View (Opinion): Secret to Jeb’s 4 Percent Growth Plan? Immigrants
By Francis Wilkinson
Washington Post (Op-Ed): Why Republicans are scared of everything and everyone right now
By Daniel Drezner
The Hill (Op-Ed): Immigration is vital for innovation
By Bryan Iams
En español:
Mayoría de latinos tiene una imagen muy negativa de Donald Trump (Video)
El 67% de los latinos tiene una opinión desfavorable de Donald Trump
Trump: Si soy presidente enviaré a refugiados sirios de regreso a su país
Forbes: Trump no tiene ni la mitad de lo que dice (VIDEO)
Publican 6,000 páginas de correos de Clinton
Clinton encabeza recaudaciones de precandidatos demócratas
#YODECIDO, el estandarte de la cobertura multiplataforma de las presidenciales en EEUU
Presentan proyecto para que los indocumentados accedan a la salud
Congresista Gutiérrez quiere extender Obamacare a los indocumentados
Gran mayoría de latinos sigue haciendo ascos a Donald Trump
Por Carlos Rajo
Para un migrante salvadoreño, es major vivir en Central Park
Esperan testimonio del alguacil de Maricopa Joe Arpaio por desacato de órdenes judiciales
Arizona: Arpaio declara por desacato a la corte
Demandan a gobierno de EEUU por retraso en tarjetas verdes por trabajo
Deportados con salida voluntaria empiezan a regresar
Guatemala reitera a EEUU pedido de Estatus de Protección Temporal
Canciller guatemalteco le pide TPS a Obama para compatriotas indocumentados
Aumenta el número de familias que cruzan la frontera
Sancionan a Patrulla Fronteriza por destruir evidencia en caso relacionado a inmigrantes (Video)
Protestan contra la presencia de agentes de inmigración en cárceles en Los Angeles (Video)