Range of Developments Show Why Real Reform on its Way in 2013 A range of developments underscores the momentum behind immigration reform, while highlighting the newfound support for reform from both traditional and non-traditional backers.  Even the spate of stories last week that asked if business and labor disputes... Continue »
President Obama gave interviews to Univision and Telemundo yesterday in which he expressed confidence that immigration reform would be accomplished this summer.  The Senate Gang of 8 is “actually making progress” on immigration, he said.  “I’m actually optimistic.”  Otherwise, the President noted, he has his own legislation waiting in... Continue »
At the end of this week’s back-t0-back oral arguments at the Supreme Court against Prop 8 and DOMA, we wanted to lift up this piece by Immigration Impact highlighting the fact that the outcome of these cases will affect the immigration world, as well.  From same-sex bi-national couples to how gay... Continue »
The Paramus Post: Americas Voice Urge House Speaker Boehner for Public Censure of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Over Jessica Bravo Comments By Mel Fabrikant National Journal: Why Lindsey Graham Isn’t Acting Like a Worried Man By Jill Lawrence Politico: W.H. seeks tech’s help on immigration By Michelle Quinn National Journal:... Continue »
Wisconsin’s Governor Scott Walker reversed his stance on a previously held immigration position yesterday, when he said that he would actively fight against the progress of an anti-immigrant, SB 1070-style bill in his state. “I think that it would be a huge distraction for us in this state,” Governor... Continue »
In an interview with CQ yesterday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reiterated his support for comprehensive immigration reform and even “suggested that he could support citizenship…with preconditions, including an emphasis on granting citizenship first to immigrants who are currently waiting to receive it,” writes CQ reporter, John Gramlich.  Said Graham,... Continue »
New Poll Analysis Shows All Americans–Latinos and Non-Latinos–Agree In an interview with CQ yesterday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reiterated his support for comprehensive immigration reform and even “suggested that he could support citizenship…with preconditions, including an emphasis on granting citizenship first to immigrants who are currently waiting to receive... Continue »
Citizenship is the Centerpiece of Immigration Reform December 5, 2012 | Click here to download PDF Americans support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.  Citizenship for undocumented Americans is the “missing piece” in our national immigration strategy, which has focused until today only on enforcement.  It is also... Continue »
The Fix on Immigration: American People Support Citizenship, Republicans “Hard-Pressed to Vote Against” 12/11/12 at 11:38 am At The Fix, the Washington Post’s political blogger Chris Cillizza, took a close look at the new Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll (which we wrote about yesterday.) Cillizza came up with a number... Continue »
Today, Latino Decisions released a poll commissioned by America’s Voice and Center for American Progress, revealing how the SCOTUS ruling on SB 1070 has increased Obama’s standing with Latino voters. So, Jan Brewer  and her obsessive push for that onerous and discriminatory anti-immigrant law has actually helped Obama increase... Continue »