According to new polls from Magellan Strategies, the vast majority of likely voters in three Republican-held districts—CD-10, CD-21, and CD-22—support immigration reform that creates a path to citizenship for 11 million aspiring Americans. These findings confirm the results of hundreds of other surveys conducted over the past few years....
Aug 12, 2013
August 2013 | Download PDF here Public opinion on immigration reform is nuanced, not complicated. Do Americans support secure borders? YES. Are they angry that our nation’s immigration system is broken? YES. Do they think politicians have a responsibility to fix it? YES. Do they think immigrants who shoulder the...
August 2, 2013 Quinnipiac American voters are united in their 64 – 31 percent support of the immigration reform act recently passed in the U.S. Senate. Support is strong among every partisan, gender, racial, religious, income and age group. The public supports the immigration bill 2-1 and shows unusual...
House GOP Gets a Zero Grade for Progress As Congress slinks home for the August recess, immigration reform remains the rare example of an issue with potential bipartisan backing and public support from across the political spectrum. Recognizing that a strong majority of the House of Representatives would pass such...
Frank Sharry: “Speaker Boehner Allowed Steve King a Vote to Deport DREAMers, Why Not a Similar Vote on a Path to Citizenship?” New polling released today by Public Policy Polling (PPP) demonstrates that voters grasp the damage Rep. Steve King’s (R-IA) immigration approach is having on the GOP and...
Today, Latino Decisions and America’s Voice released the results of a new poll of Latino voters in 24 Republican-held battleground districts. The poll probed how immigration reform and the two parties’ handling of it in the House could impact key 2014 races. Said Gary Segura, Professor of American Politics and Chair...
This poll was conducted by telephone from July 18-22, 2013 among 1,036 adults nationwide. Data collection was conducted on behalf of CBS News by Social Science Research Solutions of Media, Pa. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling...
When Will Boehner and His Caucus Allow this Majority View to be Expressed in the House? As a series of series of newpolls and analysis highlight, support for passing a bill with citizenship continues to grow and diversify: An Overwhelming Majority of the American Public Supports Immigration Reform with...
Jul 12, 2013
On June 13-July 5, 2013, Gallup conducted a poll. Results are based on telephone interviews with 4,373 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, including oversamples of black and Hispanic adults. For results based on this sample of national adults, one...
Quinnipiac August 2, 2013 A new Quinnipiac poll finds that 64 percent of voters support the Senate immigration bill, including 60 percent of Republicans. How to square this with polls showing that Republicans oppose a path to citizenship? One possibility: when polls offer a stark choice — do you support citizenship or not —...