A recent survey from Benenson Strategy Group shows strong support for comprehensive immigration reform across the spectrum, including Republican voters. This is a clear case where the conventional wisdom about the politics of immigration is dead wrong. Read on for a snapshot of where Republican voters are... Continue »
A recent survey from Benenson Strategy Group shows strong support for comprehensive immigration reform across the spectrum, including Independent voters. This is a clear case where the conventional wisdom about the politics of immigration is just plain wrong. Read on for a snapshot of where Independent voters are on... Continue »
A poll of 500 likely voters each in three battleground Congressional districts finds strong support for comprehensive immigration reform. Majorities of voters in Idaho's 1st Congressional District, Alabama's 2nd Congressional District, and California's 3rd Congressional District believe that comprehensive reform will help taxpayers and is a fair solution... Continue »
On behalf of America’s Voice and the Center for American Progress Action Fund, Benenson Strategy Group conducted a poll of three battleground Congressional districts between May 27 and June 1, 2009.  The poll surveyed 500 likely voters each in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District, and California’s... Continue »
A series of six focus groups finds that the economy has put voters in a problem-solving state of mind. They strongly support common-sense solutions to fixing the broken immigration system. Several key swing demographic groups in Kansas City, MO, Atlanta, GA, and Phoenix, AZ, strongly favored the specifics of... Continue »
A poll of 1,000 likely voters throughout the country finds widespread support for a comprehensive immigration reform across demographics. The majority of participants perceive an economic and fiscal benefit to immigration reform and want Congress to address the economy and immigration reform simultaneously. While approximately 2/3 of... Continue »
On Tuesday, June 2, 2009, pollsters Pete Brodnitz and Celinda Lake joined immigration and political experts Simon Rosenberg and Frank Sharry on a telephonic conference call to analyze American voters' attitudes towards tackling immigration reform this year. Research from Benenson Strategy Group and Lake Research Partners shows that... Continue »
The results of a new poll of Hispanic voters in thirteen key states shows the importance of comprehensive immigration reform to Hispanic voters, underscores their belief that immigration reform should be a priority this year, and highlights the challenges and opportunities for both Republicans and Democrats on this important... Continue »
On behalf of America’s Voice, Benenson Strategy Group conducted a national poll from May 9 to 12, 2009. The poll surveyed 1,000 likely voters and had a margin of error of 3.1%. Three-quarters of voters supported congressional action on immigration reform in 2009; 57% said the issue was crucial... Continue »
The New York Times / CBS poll conducted a telephone survey of 973 adults from April 22 to 26, 2009. The poll had a margin of error of +/-3%. Support for pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants higher in 2009 than in 2008. Forty-four percent of poll respondents supported... Continue »