Maribel Hastings is a senior adviser to America’s Voice: TAMPA, Florida – Hurricane Isaac shouldn’t be the only thing on Republicans’ minds as they congregate in Tampa this week for the Republican National Convention, which is expected to officially crown Mitt Romney as the party’s candidate for President of... Continuar »
On Tuesday morning, we reported that Kris Kobach, Romney advisor and one of the most notoriously anti-immigrant officials in the nation, was playing a key role in the creation of the GOP platform Continuar »
President Barack Obama remains broadly popular with Hispanics, a key voting bloc in this fall’s election, according to new data from the NBC-Wall Street Journal-Telemundo poll Continuar »
Will Governor Susana Martinez be able to help Romney gain some ground on the President in her own backyard? Continuar »
Over the weekend, Steve Holland from Reuters wrote an article about “Mitt Romney’s campaign missteps” and how those missteps have caused concern for Republicans. One of the issues highlighted by Holland was immigration: Romney’s missteps on issues such as immigration and healthcare – and images of him on a... Continuar »
Latino Decisions and America’s Voice released the latest installment of a Latino voter poll in five battleground states (AZ, CO, FL, NV, VA). Continuar »
During his eagerly anticipated speech today at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney underwhelmed and failed the leadership test, refusing to say anything substantial about immigration and once again not answering the question of what he would do about... Continuar »
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will speak at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference tomorrow. Since Mitt Romney has refused to discuss immigration in front of Latino audiences or to respond directly to the news of the DREAMer protections announced last Friday, this event is highly anticipated.... Continuar »
New polling shows that the general public, including Latinos and independent voters, are broadly supportive of President Obama’s decision to grant hundreds of thousands of DREAM Act youth relief from deportation. Continuar »