After a growing outcry by immigrants, allies, and Members of Congress, outraged at the record number of deportations carried out by the Obama Administration, the Department of Homeland Security announced a new policy in June 2011 that was supposed to focus immigration enforcement on the “worst of the worst” and spare... Continue »
Mitt Romney plans to avoid talking about immigration and dampen Latino vote turnout Continue »
Cross-Posted at The Huffington Post: Having alienated Latino voters in the primary with hard right immigration positions and dehumanizing anti-immigrant rhetoric, what will GOP nominee Mitt Romney and his surrogates do in the general election to attract the 40% of Latino votes experts say he needs to win the... Continue »
As many have noted, Latino vote turnout in November is one of the things that could determine the 2012 presidential race.  There are two choices Latino voters have to make: Whether to vote at all Which candidate to support When it comes to Latino voters, the two parties are... Continue »
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney addressed the Latino Coalition in Washington today in an apparent attempt to begin repairing his relationship with Latino voters. Memo to Romney: to gain ground with Latino voters, you’re going to have to talk about immigration. He didn’t: the speech did not mention “immigration”... Continue »
What’s up with Marco Rubio? The senator from Florida has a newfound interest in protecting immigrant youth, and it has raised both some eyebrows and many questions.   Continue »
Mitt Romney is trying to woo Latino voters by backing away from Arizona’s SB 1070.  But his history of support is long and well-documented. Continue »
“I can promise that I will try to do it in the first year of my second term. I want to try this year,” Obama said in an interview with Univision. Continue »
Condoleeza Rice says, “immigrant culture has renewed us…has been at the core of our strength…I don’t know when immigrants became the enemy.” Continue »
Republicans are losing the Latino vote 6-1 to Obama, and they’re looking for ways to dig themselves out of the ditch.  Enter the LIBRE Initiative, funded by the Koch brothers. Continue »