Herramienta en línea de America’s Voice subraya las nefastas consecuencias del #EfectoTrump Tal como lo hemos hecho notar, la retórica antiinmigrante del Partido Republicano —con Donald Trump a la cabeza— se está diseminando hacia la sociedad civil con un peligroso efecto. Al realizar declaraciones de odio y promover políticas... Continuar »
Online Tool from America’s Voice Highlights the Ugly Consequences of the #TrumpEffect As we’ve noted previously, the Republican Party’s anti-immigrant rhetoric—with Donald Trump at the helm—is bleeding into civil society to a dangerous effect.  By making hateful statements and promoting radical policies, Trump has encouraged others to speak –... Continuar »
In Midst of Ugly Anti-Immigrant Demagoguery by GOP Candidates, Immigrant Women Pilgrimaging to DC Inject Refreshing Dose of Morality into Immigration Debate As the GOP candidates continue to fill the airwaves with xenophobic rhetoric and anti-immigrant demagoguery, a courageous group of immigrant women is showing leadership in ways the... Continuar »
Below, we offer some reactions and fact-checking about the immigration-related parts of last night’s debate: The Focus of the “Mass-Deportation” Discussion Was on the Impracticality of Donald Trump’s Plan – Not Its Morally Abhorrent, Un-American Vision:  During the immigration-related parts of last night’s debate, most of the candidates who reacted to... Continuar »
Devastating Loss of Latino Vote in CA 2010 Senate Race Was Even Worse Than Romney’s Total The consensus takeaway from last night’s Republican presidential debate is that Carly Fiorina was the big winner, perhaps emerging as the leading alternative to frontrunner Donald Trump.  Yet when it comes to Fiorina’s... Continuar »
Gozadera & Local Folkloric Dance Troupes to Perform at Afternoon Event on Cleveland’s West Side On September 22nd from 4-8pm, La Mega 87.7, Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, #TNTweeters, and Ohio’s Voice are teaming up with Urban Community School and partners in a two-part event: cultural celebration in recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month and voter registration drive on National... Continuar »
Ahead of tonight’s Republican presidential debate, a range of observers are echoing some of our key assessments about the role of immigration in the 2016 contest: the dangerous and radical notions advanced by Donald Trump; the contrasts between the current field and Ronald Reagan on immigration; and the long-term... Continuar »
Ahead of Reagan Library Debate, Immigration and Labor Leaders Join Political Scientist to Discuss How CA Serves a Cautionary Tale for the National GOP Click here to listen to today’s recording. Tonight’s debate in California offers a reminder – a cautionary tale – for Republicans.  In 1994, California’s Governor... Continuar »
For additional details, contact press@americasvoice.org and please check out the America’s Voice 2016 content, including detailed candidate tracking information, at www.americasvoice.org/2016 Here are a few key reminders and questions surrounding the politics of immigration ahead of Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate. Do Observers Fully Appreciate the Radical and Nativist Ideas that Donald... Continuar »
Ahead of a busy political week, here are a few of the key developments and takeaways surrounding the politics of immigration, an issue that continues to play a dominant role in the Republican presidential campaign. Sorry Reince, Policy Matters:  On Sunday, Jake Tapper of CNN asked RNC Chairman Reince Priebusif... Continuar »