At the Huffington Post this week is the story of Norma, a Texas Dreamer who was brought to the U.S. when she was three years old, who married her high school sweetheart and was ten days away from becoming a U.S. citizen — when she had a breakdown, was... Continue »
Donald Trump, as part of his white nationalist agenda, wants to kick immigrants already in the country out and keep future immigrants from coming in. As Reuters originally reported this month, he’s not above punishing children and families to do it, by threatening their ability to stay in the... Continue »
The Senate is debating immigration legislation this week, and everything from cutting legal immigration to increasing deportations appears to be on the table. What Senators should be focusing on is passing the Dream Act. Since Donald Trump ended the deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA) program last fall, hundreds... Continue »
Since Donald Trump ended DACA last September, hundreds of Dreamers have been losing status every day, and thousands of Dreamers will start losing their ability to work (as well as their protection from deportation) when the program officially ends in March. Among many other things, this may compromise America’s... Continue »
american veterans are being deported. so are other american heroes.
Donald Trump the candidate — when he wasn’t busy running on white nationalism — claimed to be a ‘business president’ with unique insights on how to boost the economy. “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created,” he boasted. Yet in the last year, Trump has... Continue »
“I’m doing this because I have a child. I want to be able to look my child in eye,” Jordon Dyrdahl-Roberts wrote on Twitter last week. “I’m drawing my line in the sand here. Cooperation with this regime is not acceptable.” Breaking families apart was not something Dyrdahl-Roberts, a... Continue »
“Heavenly Father will provide a way for you to be who He wanted you to be.” That’s the advice from her mother that Maleny Calderón, 20, a former Mormon missionary and Dreamer, holds deep in her heart when contemplating the possibility of losing her DACA status. Maleny recently returned... Continue »
The day after Trump said he was open to a path to citizenship for Dreamers, the Trump Administration proposed immigration legislation that asked Dreamers to make an unacceptable trade. In return for protections for immigrant youth, the Trump Administration is demanding drastic cuts to family-based migration and the cancellation... Continue »
Last updated May 4, 2021.  Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) is infamous within the immigration policy world for always talking a good game about passing immigration reform even though he has spent the last decade blocking any meaningful legislation.  As the senior senator from a state with a large immigrant... Continue »
Know Your Rights When Stopped by ICE or Police A video of Border Patrol agents boarding a Greyhound bus asking people to show them their papers has garnered over 2.5 million views on Facebook according to the Florida Immigration Coalition (FLIC). Last Friday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)... Continue »