The following is a statement from Pili Tobar, Managing Director of America’s Voice, reacting to the details and implications of the omnibus spending package and its immigration funding. Donald Trump and his GOP followers have made clear that they will relentlessly pursue their anti-immigrant agenda in Washington and in... Continue »
Call for a minimum 18-month extension for 4,000 Liberian DED holders as country rebuilds after civil war and Ebola outbreak 119 faith-based organizations and 509 faith leaders sent a letter to President Trump today, urging him to extend Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for nearly 4,000 Liberians for a minimum of... Continue »
In just 9 days, Liberians across the country will be forced to deal with the consequences of a life-altering decision, as the Administration is slotted by March 31st to extend or terminate Deferred Enforced Departure (DED), an immigration program that has allowed Liberian immigrants to work legally and build lives in... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Trump y el Partido Republicano persiguen implacables políticas antiinmigrantes Omnibus: Trump, GOP Pursue Relentless Anti-Immigrant Policies More than 600 Faith Leaders and Faith Groups Urge Administration to Extend Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberia Nationwide Activism in 2018 Sends Unified Message to Administration, Urging Protection of Deferred Enforced... Continue »
Cada vez que el actual presidente de Estados Unidos se emociona y con vehemencia despotrica contra los inmigrantes, directa o sesgadamente, uno puede imaginar el nivel de frustración que debe experimentar cada mañana al ver que aún seguimos aquí. Así, como aquel extraordinario microrrelato del genial escritor guatemalteco Augusto... Continue »
Originally published August 8, 2017 Last updated: December 18, 2023 Also listen to our podcast episode on SB 4 UPDATE: On December 18, 2023, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed SB 4 into law Most of the nation’s harshest anti-immigrant bill — Texas’ Senate Bill 4 (SB 4) — is... Continue »
As the Trump Administration’s immigration enforcement agencies CBP and ICE continue to arrest and deport indiscriminately, observers are focusing on how states such as Ohio and Michigan are epicenters of the cruelty. A new article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer explores why Ohio is one of the worst states for undocumented immigrants.... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice ICYMI: Plain Dealer: “Ohio is one of the worst states for undocumented immigrants” English Dallas News Ken Paxton and Donald Trump rail against ‘sanctuary cities’ By Todd J. Gillman March 20, 2018 Cleveland Plain Dealer Ohio is one of the worst states for undocumented immigrants, advocates say... Continue »
El teatro político más perturbador de la mesa redonda de hoy en la Casa Blanca por parte del gobierno de Trump será establecer el sentimiento antiinmigrante como preludio de las elecciones de 2018 y 2020 Con perturbadora frecuencia, hemos estado subrayando cómo la aplicación de la ley inmigratoria por parte... Continue »
  Lo que se ha hecho no se puede deshacer, pero se puede evitar que ocurra de nuevo. Esta es una de las frases escritas por Ana Frank en su diario, la niña judía que murió en un campo de concentración durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras su muerte,... Continue »