Today’s White House roundtable more disturbing political theatre by Trump Administration setting up anti-immigrant sentiment as prelude to 2018 and 2020 elections With disturbing frequency, we’ve been highlighting how the Trump Administration’s immigration enforcement is focused on “low hanging fruit” – including individuals without criminal records whose arrests surged 171% last... Continue »
In a deep dive piece, Esther Yu Hsi Lee illuminates the struggle and uncertainty of Liberian immigrants who are beneficiaries of the Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) that has been in place since 1999. Lee writes that DED is facing an imminent deadline on March 31st but, due to the program’s unique legal framework, the... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice La Casa Blanca vuelve a utilizar su farsa política favorita: “Culpar a los inmigrantes” White House Again Employs Its Favorite Political “Blame the Immigrants” Charade ICYMI: ThinkProgress: “Liberian immigrants may face deportation under this little-known U.S. foreign policy program” English India West ‘Trump Administration Has Declared War... Continue »
Trump has a moral responsibility to prevent suffering of Liberians facing deportation The Trump Administration is on the brink of letting a little-known humanitarian program to help people whose home countries have been struck by war or natural disaster expire onMarch 31, 2018. Thousands of Liberian immigrants may face deportation... Continue »
March 31 Expiration Date of Program: 12 days Saint Paul, MN – A series of media reports, including an in-depth piece in the Star Tribune, are highlighting Minnesotans’ activism and urging of the Trump Administration to extend Deferred Enforcement Departure (DED), a little-known deportation reprieve program that currently offers protections to thousands of Minnesota immigrants. The Star... Continue »
More disturbing examples of how Trump war on immigrants is separating American families and trampling on our values More observers are reporting disturbing examples of how the Trump Administration’s immigration enforcement agencies are unshackled and unaccountable, trampling on American values and separating American families. From the must-read recent TIME magazine... Continue »
In new piece, Daily Kos’ Gabe Ortiz profiles Juan Escalante, DACA-recipient; America’s Voice Communications Manager; and “the Persistent Dreamer.” Throughout the exclusive interview, Escalante recounts his family’s immigration story, his debut in the fight for immigrants’ rights, and the current state-of-play: “Am I worried? A bit, but then again... Continue »
La conducta vengativa de Donald Trump, de atacar sin piedad a quienes considere una piedra en su zapato, no conoce los límites de la decencia o el respeto por las instituciones, comenzando por la propia presidencia. Esto no es nuevo. Trump ha sido siempre igual, con la única diferencia... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
America’s Voice Minnesotans Rallying to Protect Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for Liberians As Deadline Nears Trump’s Immigration Enforcement Remains Out of Control ICYMI: Daily Kos: “Juan Escalante, the Persistent Dreamer” Trump y los excesos del poder English Daily Kos Juan Escalante, the persistent Dreamer By Gabe Ortiz March 18,... Continue »
On Thursday, three South Floridians, seven New Yorkers, the weekly Brooklyn-based Haitian newspaper, Haïti Liberté, and a Miami-based Haitian rights advocacy group, Family Action Network Movement (FANM), filed a federal lawsuit in the Eastern District of New York arguing against the Trump Administration’s termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS).... Continue »