In an impassioned speech to the UN General Assembly yesterday, President Obama called the global refugee crisis “a test of our common humanity” and pledged on nations to step up on their efforts to aid those fleeing violence and death. “Obama delivered a stinging rebuke of those who would... Continue »
Two important new studies offer reminders about the tremendous costs that would be incurred if Donald Trump gets to put his extremism on immigration into practice as President. The studies, from the Center for American Progress and Pew Research, show why deporting undocumented immigrants from America would come at a huge cost to America’s fiscal... Continue »
On Monday, Donald Trump Jr. thought he was making the most brilliant of points when he shared a white supremacist meme comparing a bowl of Skittles to Syrian refugees. “This image says it all. Let’s end the politically correct agenda that doesn’t put America first,” Junior added. The Mars... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): Latin Post: Latest Presidential Polls 2016: Hillary Clinton Hits 50 Percent in NBC Poll, Still Holds Steady Electoral College Vote Edge By Glenn Minnis Medium (Op-ed): Trump’s Election Means An Immediate Threat to Undocumented Immigrants like me By Juan Escalante New... Continue »
One of Philadelphia’s best new chefs serves up a whole lot more than food at her bustling Mexican restaurant. Owner and chef Cristina Martinez is an undocumented immigrant, and her restaurant has become a hub for community members who are looking for both a bite to eat and an... Continue »
Going to a white nationalist conference should be a terrifying thought for any rational person — but try doing it while you’re gay and brown. Earlier this month, the nation’s most notorious white nationalist groups gathered in Washington, D.C. for a “What Is The Alt-Right?” press conference. Carlos Maza —... Continue »
File this in the “Why Are We Not Surprised?” drawer. Donald Trump Jr.’s widely-mocked meme yesterday — where he ridiculously compared a bowl of Skittles to the Syrian refugee crisis — was apparently ripped straight from white supremacist memes (although former Tea Party Congressman and deadbeat dad Joe Walsh... Continue »
When it comes to one of Trump’s core and consistent immigration pledges – immediately ending President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)  program for DREAMers as a Day One priority – Trump poses a real threat to a real program that is a real benefit for approximately 750,000... Continue »
Arizona organizers have registered 75,000 new Latino voters in time for the November election, making it the largest voter registration effort in the state’s history, according to KJZZ. Mi Familia Vota reached a goal of 75,000 new Latino voters with about a month left to go before next month’s... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): NBC: Poll: Doom and Gloom Over Democrats’ Latino Outreach May be Overstated By Stephen Nuno Bustle: This Response To Donald Trump Jr’s Skittles Tweet Is The Only Way To Incorporate Candy Into Politics By Joseph Lyons Dayton Daily News (Ohio): New... Continue »