Hillary Clinton ganó la asamblea electoral de Nevada, y aunque el margen de triunfo sobre el senador demócrata de Vermont, Bernie Sanders, no fue la barrida que se habría anticipado, un triunfo es un triunfo. Clinton ha gozado del apoyo de un electorado latino que representa 13% de los... Continuar »

20 de febrero de 2016

Luisa, la cubana con Hillary

Mientras decenas de empleados de los hoteles y casinos de Las Vegas comenzaban a llenar los salones para participar de la asamblea electoral demócrata en este estado, Luisa Morales, cubana, no podía ocultar su emoción de poder votar por Hillary Clinton. Luisa llegó desde Cuba a Estados Unidos mediante... Continuar »
Si algo ha logrado la precandidatura del republicano Donald Trump y sus insultos a diversos sectores, incluyendo a la comunidad inmigrante, es movilizar a los hispanos a registrarse para votar. Esto ha sido no sólo con la mira puesta en las primarias y las asambleas electorales, sino en la... Continuar »
Latinos and immigrants are mobilizing to defeat anti-immigrant legislation in key battleground states. Florida turned out hundreds of advocates to the Florida Capitol, where they were joined by Democrats and Republicans who pledged to oppose attacks on immigrant communities. In Wisconsin, thousands of people gathered at the state legislature... Continuar »
In the wake of the battle of words between Pope Francis and leading Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump, Vice President Joe Biden adds to the moral argument against a massive wall along the US/Mexico border, saying that, in the face of America’s tradition of welcoming the immigrant and refugee, “erecting a... Continuar »
Immigration dominated last night’s MSNBC/Telemundo Democratic town hall, the final major event featuring Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders before Nevada’s Democratic caucus on Saturday. Latino voters in the state are heavily expected to influence Saturday’s results. Nevada is a case study in how rapidly-changing demographics can help reshape the... Continuar »
Outside of Trump Media Circus Latino Power Builds Across the Country Donald Trump battles the Pope.  Marco Rubio promises to take protections away from Dreamers on Day One.  Ted Cruz tries to outdo Trump’s nativism.  Hillary Clinton promises immigration reform bill introduction in the first 100 days. So, what’s the... Continuar »
After Pope Francis vs. Donald Trump yesterday, chances are you might have missed this incredible news coming out of Wisconsin. An estimated 20,000 Latinos, immigrants, and their allies from across the state walked out of their jobs and schools to mobilize against two anti-immigrant bills now sitting in the state... Continuar »
Por Maribel Hastings y David Torres Las asambleas electorales demócrata y republicana tienen su primera prueba este sábado y martes, respectivamente, en un estado, Nevada, donde la población latina es significativa y donde el voto de esta comunidad ha decidido elecciones previas a todos los niveles, salvando a más... Continuar »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Magazine (Opinion):Supreme Court Opening Creates ‘Battle of a Different Order’ By Ed Kilgore Washington Times: Marco Rubio hampered by immigration stance even as GOP becomes more lenient By Stephen Dinan Newsmax: Supreme Court Vacancy Intensifies Battle in Key Senate... Continuar »