Pope Francis At The Border
“How long until Donald Trump insults the Pope?” tweeted Buzzfeed’s Dominic Holden during the Pontiff’s US tour back in September. Well, the answer to that question is about five months, apparently. A steaming-mad Trump unleashed on the religious leader after Pope Francis singled out the Republican Presidential candidate for... Continue »
Y como partido que quiere el poder, ¿no debería detener su veloz paso hacia la extrema derecha en inmigración?  Ayer, el Papa Francisco celebró una misa en la frontera México-EEUU, llamando a la compasión y al decoro humano para con los inmigrantes y los que buscan asilo. Enseguida reproducimos algunas... Continue »
US officials and leaders welcomed Pope Francis’s historic visit to the US/Mexico border yesterday, where he laid a bouquet of flowers for the thousands who have perished attempting to make a better life for themselves in the north. The messages from officials and leaders welcoming the Pope’s historic return... Continue »
And as a party that likes power, shouldn’t the GOP halt their sprint to the far right on immigration? Yesterday Pope Francis celebrated mass at the U.S.-Mexican border, calling for compassion and human decency for migrants and asylum seekers.  Here are brief excerpts from his moving homily: Here in Ciudad... Continue »
Pope Francis ended his six-day tour of Mexico in a simple but powerful act of compassion, laying a bouquet of flowers at the feet of a large cross symbolizing the 6,000 immigrants who have died attempting to cross the US/Mexico border. In front of the cross were several pairs... Continue »
Florida Immigrants Protest at the State Capitol in Tallahassee
Hundreds of immigration advocates gathered at the Florida Capitol yesterday afternoon for a press conference and rally in opposition to various anti-immigrant measures that are currently being considered by state lawmakers. This is the second statewide mobilization from the We Are Florida! campaign, which is driven by several pro-migrant... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: Supreme Court Vacancy Has Left and Right Ready to Pounce By Michael Shear USA Today: Court opening launches fight in key Senate races By Deirdre Shesgreen and Paul Singer Huffington Post: Sanders Campaign Calls Clinton Immigration Criticism ‘Totally... Continue »
In what is expected to be one of the most defining moments of his Papacy, Pope Francis will today lay a wreath and pray at the US/Mexico border in memory of the more than 6,000 immigrants who have lost their lives attempting to cross into America. Thousands will be... Continue »
Lynn Tramonte: “Ohioans—indeed, all Americans—deserve better leadership than this”    Following Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s death, Senator Rob Portman and Governor John Kasich stated that the current President should not fill his vacancy.  The Toledo Blade issued an important editorial calling the two Republicans to task. “Creating a crisis in one... Continue »
Today's must-read top immigration news from around the country.
English (en español al final de la página): New York Times: President Raises Stakes in Supreme Court Nominee Battle By Mark Landler and Jennifer Steinhauer Equal Voice for Families: Analysis: Immigration Actions and Justice Scalia”Æs Death By Maribel Hastings The Hill: Obama: Rubio ‘running away’ from immigration reform By... Continue »